International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

That’s funny I take the completely different approach, I don’t handle my roos at all. I give them their space and they give me mine. Have not had an issue doing it this way. I will say of all the Marans cockerels and roos I have hatched I have not had any aggression issues towards me.

I wish I could do that. that's why I have hard time butchering chickens.
we always have rats and mice. there are so many abandoned properties on the island as well as olive/almond/pistacchio etc. trees so they don't come for chicken feed.
I wish it where that way here. The mice are so thick. I hope it gets better since they won't be able to get to the feed. We have traps set everywhere. Hopefully the traps will thin the mice out.
I wish it where that way here. The mice are so thick. I hope it gets better since they won't be able to get to the feed. We have traps set everywhere. Hopefully the traps will thin the mice out.

don't you ever wish our situation with rats and mice. they multiply and look for new homes. this summer rats killed a bunch of ducklings, baby rabbits and even 2 cockerels. they got ducklings through the hardware cloth - I thought that was impossible.
don't you ever wish our situation with rats and mice. they multiply and look for new homes. this summer rats killed a bunch of ducklings, baby rabbits and even 2 cockerels. they got ducklings through the hardware cloth - I thought that was impossible.
That would be war!! Poor babies! I have only had 1 pack rat in all the years we have lived here but the mice are thick out in the chicken houses. We never see any in our house but we have cats inside. We have put the cats out with the chickens but I think there are so many mice it doesn't help. The cats just play with them.
That would be war!! Poor babies! I have only had 1 pack rat in all the years we have lived here but the mice are thick out in the chicken houses. We never see any in our house but we have cats inside. We have put the cats out with the chickens but I think there are so many mice it doesn't help. The cats just play with them.

luckily my chickens are good mousers:lau
We inherited a rat problem in our coops when we moved to this new home.

Tunnels everywhere in the coops dirt floor. I put those black lock boxes with poison in several places and it seems to keep the population down.

When I notice any high rat activity, I will take the feeders out of the coop at night for a few days. The rats will then eat the poison instead. So far, this has been working for me.
We inherited a rat problem in our coops when we moved to this new home.

Tunnels everywhere in the coops dirt floor. I put those black lock boxes with poison in several places and it seems to keep the population down.

When I notice any high rat activity, I will take the feeders out of the coop at night for a few days. The rats will then eat the poison instead. So far, this has been working for me.

So sorry to hear about all of your rodent problems :(

I have yet to see a rat on the property and the mice are rare - so far no evidence in the coop or storage areas.

We have a Jack Russell that does away with any he sees. They're super efficient rodent hunters and can deal with rats well (I've had prior experience in other places).
We inherited a rat problem in our coops when we moved to this new home.

Tunnels everywhere in the coops dirt floor. I put those black lock boxes with poison in several places and it seems to keep the population down.

When I notice any high rat activity, I will take the feeders out of the coop at night for a few days. The rats will then eat the poison instead. So far, this has been working for me.

I have 3 abandoned plots next to mine. I poison rats but about a week later new family of rats discover those places and move in. not only because of chickens but also because they can breed undisturbed there. even a pair of foxes tried to make home. I had to leave one of my german shepherds in the chicken run at night so she scared the foxes away.

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