International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Jack Russells love catching rodents.
Ive had one in the past.
Great farm dogs.

Hmmm....maybe I should get another one...
Maybe I should get a Jack Russell also! Lol We have been getting about 10 to 15 mice a night. For the last week out in the chicken houses. I am so glad we don't have any in our house. Hopefully we got most of them! I sent for a couple different bucket traps. I wonder if they really work?
I have 3 abandoned plots next to mine. I poison rats but about a week later new family of rats discover those places and move in. not only because of chickens but also because they can breed undisturbed there. even a pair of foxes tried to make home. I had to leave one of my german shepherds in the chicken run at night so she scared the foxes away.
One would think island cats would be thriving with all the rats and mice. Abandoned orchards? I have one of those! Apples, pears, quince, plum, just next to my fields. Not Mediterranean nut trees, however. I wish almonds grew here!

Are there feral cats managed for rodents where you are? Barn cats and feral colonies are managed in problem areas to keep rodents down when other predators don't step up to deal with the problem here.
are jack russells chicken friendly? I am sick and tired of my chicken killer german shepherds.
they are terriers so they may or may not kill chickens. they certainly kill vermin, which is what they are bred for, but terriers love killing stuff. They are pretty smart but I would be wary of leaving one alone with chickens. perhaps some sort of run around the chicken pen, where the dog can run all the way around the pen but not go into the chicken pen? Like a moat, only with a dog.
are jack russells chicken friendly? I am sick and tired of my chicken killer german shepherds.

Our Jack Russell is completely fine with the adult chickens, but I wouldn't trust him around young chicks. He was pecked by a broody once when he was young and now respects any chicken he sees - very cautious around them :) He comes in the coop with me all the time with no issues, but it is important to raise them together. He is also good with the ducks. Just seems to go after the rodents for the most part.
they are terriers so they may or may not kill chickens. they certainly kill vermin, which is what they are bred for, but terriers love killing stuff. They are pretty smart but I would be wary of leaving one alone with chickens. perhaps some sort of run around the chicken pen, where the dog can run all the way around the pen but not go into the chicken pen? Like a moat, only with a dog.

We've had three Jack Russels and no issues with juvenile or adult chickens. I think they are not as bad as larger terrier breeds. They can be a handful in other ways, but so are many working dog breeds - they take some training and it's good to get them from reputable sources.
We had a poor field mouse try to get in the house last night - needless to say it was a dead mouse the moment it stepped over the threshold. Our Jack Russell stayed up all night waiting for it to appear from the radiator where it was hiding in by the front door and he was very pleased to present us with his catch in the morning :) He sure wishes there were more around as he loves to hunt them, but I'm quite happy that there's not!

I'm just waiting for my two month old BCMs to grow up a little bit more and then I will post first photos - this is a second line I'm bringing in and I hope some of them will be promising. Seeing more mossiness on a couple of the cockerels than I would like, but we'll see how that develops with subsequent moults. It looks like I only got two pullets out of six, but it would be worse I guess.
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I get a lot of mossiness and red in the chest of my cockerels as they grow. So far, they lose most of it as adults. I do have a couple that are exceptions.

Someone correct me if i am wrong but i believe if you have marans rooster with red in the chest (over colored), it is good to breed with your darker marans hens who do not have good copper. It will improve their progeny.

I have some hens that lack good copper on their head and necks so this is what I plan to do this spring.
I get a lot of mossiness and red in the chest of my cockerels as they grow. So far, they lose most of it as adults. I do have a couple that are exceptions.

Someone correct me if i am wrong but i believe if you have marans rooster with red in the chest (over colored), it is good to breed with your darker marans hens who do not have good copper. It will improve their progeny.

I have some hens that lack good copper on their head and necks so this is what I plan to do this spring.
You are correct.... sure wish chooks man was around to coat us with his wisdom. Has anyone heard from him?
@chickengr ..... You have any contact with him? I hope he's well and just super busy.

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