International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I have proof now that the two first eggs and the hen I caught laying the slightly longer third egg is the same hen. I got the egg on the far right today. It was out of the pen with the 3 BC hens and the blcm pullet. I have saved those two eggs to compare. Yay! The mystery is finally solved! Lol 😂 Such a pretty egg! That is a good sign that I had another in the blcm pen laying a dark spotted egg. It is long though but dark and spotted.


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I have proof now that the two first eggs and the hen I caught laying the slightly longer third egg is the same hen. I got the egg on the far right today. It was out of the pen with the 3 BC hens and the blcm pullet. I have saved those two eggs to compare. Yay! The mystery is finally solved! Lol 😂 Such a pretty egg! That is a good sign that I had another in the blcm pen laying a dark spotted egg. It is long though but dark and spotted.
That is stunning colour good shape too. Just to make it clear now you have 2 BLCM hens laying very dark eggs?
Well happy for you.
Chooks man
This makes me want more pens but I do not have the room. I actually have the room but I don't want to haul water down the hillside. Nice hen house Chooks man!
Thank you I m pleased with this new hens house lot of air , space and a lot of shade . The hens are enjoying it.
They have been up here for one week now they start to get they head around . Haven t let them out yet . They are moulting now very early no eggs except 2 or 3 hens are laying.
Chooks man
Thank you I m pleased with this new hens house lot of air , space and a lot of shade . The hens are enjoying it.
They have been up here for one week now they start to get they head around . Haven t let them out yet . They are moulting now very early no eggs except 2 or 3 hens are laying.
Chooks man
What kind of panels did you use on the coop? Very nice.

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