International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

When I mentioned it to the warden she says that makes a lot of sense. I apologize if I ask things over and again. My brain has been on overload these last few days and if I don't force myself to stop thinking I get massive migraines. (Childhood head injury) So things will tend to go in one ear and out the other and I tend to miss things until I re-read and concentrate.

Anyhoo, not sure if the head shaking is a sign but I noticed after watching the video he was doing it a lot.
Yes, the nip... 🤣 He gets a pass.

I'm glad your hen healed up well. Keeps me hoping for the best with him. Really appreciate your insight,... much love your way ♥️
Tell the warden, we're on this! Hopefully we can hit on something that will help. I get soooo attached to my pets. ❤️

Ask all the questions as many times as you want. No worries!

I gave my hen the same exact thing @Punkybrewster shows above.
I was just checking my notes and bottle.

My hen was less than 5 lbs. I also have in my notes that reference amoxicillin dosage of 57 mg per pound of body weight 2 times per day for 5-7 days.

About the head shaking, I've had a rooster do this. Someone told me to check his ears. One ear was all gunky. Never would have noticed without close inspection.

They will shake their head to relieve pressure or move fluid around. You can clean their ears with with q tips dampened with peroxide. Peroxide will help kill infection and helps to dry up fluid. You can also use a clean q-tip with a bit of PLAIN Neosporin. Antibiotics would be a good idea as well.
So with 400/5ml if I cut it in half 200/2.5ml should be good?
Could I split that again and give him 1.25 twice a day? Am and pm dosage? Or should I just give him the once per day?
I gave my hen the same exact thing @Punkybrewster shows above.
I was just checking my notes and bottle.

My hen was less than 5 lbs. I also have in my notes that reference amoxicillin dosage of 57 mg per pound of body weight 2 times per day for 5-7 days.
This confused me but I don't have a scale anyway sooo....
Am I ok to give him that dosage I posted?
Just once a day or would it benefit anything to split twice a day?

Yes I'm going to make a horrible breeder. I get attached.
"You breed Marans?"
"No, I just have 400 Marans !!"
Am I ok to give him that dosage I posted?
Just once a day or would it benefit anything to split twice a day?
I gave the hen 250mg/ 2 times per day. I gave it for 7 days.

I would think he weighs more than my CLB hen.

In humans and dogs amoxicillin is give at least 2 times per day. Sometime 3.

If I could only dose my bird one time per day, that is what I would do.
I gave the hen 250mg/ 2 times per day. I gave it for 7 days.

I would think he weighs more than my CLB hen.

In humans and dogs amoxicillin is give at least 2 times per day. Sometime 3.

If I could only dose my bird one time per day, that is what I would do.

Pretty sure its 250 mg/dayx10days

Just checked my notebook and the dose is correct.
This is what I have used
View attachment 3744443
Oh, I saw punkys post said 250/day so there's the confusion I had.
Thank you for this. Very helpful.
No I haven't wormed them, haven't seen any signs. I'll grab some today, any recommendations? I think we do have antibiotics I'll have to ask.
I haven't seen any lice/mites sign since losing Morty last summer to fly strike. But I'll double check that
I usually worm in the fall, when laying slows. Unless there is a heavy worm load you'd never visually see them. Outward signs can be considered symptoms of other things sometimes..dirty bum, loose stools, excessive water intake, and weight loss, just to name a few.
Oh, I saw punkys post said 250/day so there's the confusion I had.
I just deleted a response to your question after seeing @NanaK answer. I didnt want to confuse you any further.

Both doses are correct, there are many variables.

If I understand correctly, NanaK has sucessfully treated her hen with a similar issue using 250mg x2 per day.

I Would try this dose for him.
If it is an unknown infection, you should begin to see an improvement within days.

Sorry for any confusion this caused :)

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