International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Yeah, recessive white dilutes everything from the start, it’s an extreme example of leucism (not quite albinism). It’s really odd that the pattern would change like this though, it’s like it’s a different phenotype now. The fact that you think it’s passed on from the grandmother shows it might be recessive, is the grandmother the mother of her sire or dam (so we can see if it’s sex linked)?

How bad is parasitic white in your flock? That’s the only example I can think of when white would increase with age like this, but not usually in hens like this.

parasitic white in my experience is white close to the base and tips are black.
Brooder room is ready. But I need some venting suggestions. Floor is concrete, plastic lined, 1" foam, plastic lined again and then sheeted. Ceiling is HC with plywood loosely laid over, 1 1/2" foam and then a moving blanket so that can be moved.
Should I..
Pull some of ceiling off.
Pull a sheet off of the Marans side. (I worry about their pop door being in direct line and wind)
Or I could pull the top small sheet off the man door.
Or not pull any because most all the walls are just thin plywood/luan and not solid and it's probably venting enough thru all the small gaps. Room is 21 sqft.
I'm running 92F on the floor under lamp and 50F in far corner at floor. 40F outside.

All suggestions welcome. 🙂
View attachment 3786661

Pass thru to Marans coop
View attachment 3786660

Man door on left
View attachment 3786659

View attachment 3786658

Man door has HC on other side
View attachment 3786664

Looking at pass thru from Marans coop.
View attachment 3786665

Marans pop door, I'm standing in doorway, brooder is on left
View attachment 3786663

what about drilling some holes high at 2 opposite sides? it would not be windy but the air would circulate.
what about drilling some holes high at 2 opposite sides? it would not be windy but the air would circulate.
Yes, I had a feeling when I posted that, that I had worded it wrong.
The ceiling is all HC stapled down to the ceiling joists. The plywood, foam and moving blanket is just loosely laid on top to keep heat in/cold out, so I could shift a corner at each end to open it up.

Thank you 🙂
My 9 month old BCM cockerel Axl charged my wife yesterday while free ranging. She was throwing out some scratch for them and he ran up to her. She assumed the he was running up to get some food but instead of stopping at the food he jumped up and came at her spurs first. I yelled at him and he retreated. That’s the first time he has ever shown and aggression towards people.

We did move one of the hen and her babies out of the main coop into the isolation/grow out pin early that day. So I don’t know if he is upset because he saw us take the hen out and now he can’t find her.

Attached is a pic of momma and babies settled into the isolation pin. momma is a Jersey Giant babies are BCMxEE and OE
My 9 month old BCM cockerel Axl charged my wife yesterday while free ranging. She was throwing out some scratch for them and he ran up to her. She assumed the he was running up to get some food but instead of stopping at the food he jumped up and came at her spurs first. I yelled at him and he retreated. That’s the first time he has ever shown and aggression towards people.

We did move one of the hen and her babies out of the main coop into the isolation/grow out pin early that day. So I don’t know if he is upset because he saw us take the hen out and now he can’t find her.

Attached is a pic of momma and babies settled into the isolation pin. momma is a Jersey Giant babies are BCMxEE and OEView attachment 3788322

or he thought she was throwing stones or something so he wanted to protect his flock. roos sometimes do that.
or he thought she was throwing stones or something so he wanted to protect his flock. roos sometimes do that.
I guess that’s also possible, but she was feeding them from the same little red bucket that I always use and my birds are pretty well trained to know that good things come from that bucket. I can call out and shake the bucket to round them up real quick if need be.

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