International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

She's separated under the one poop board. Joannies under the other. Both areas each have food and water. I'll give her some water up close and if she doesn't come off nest by 2maro I'll pull her out.. thanks guys.

3rd time with a broody, still feels like 1st sometimes...🤣

remember that broodies must get up every day. dust bath is important too. if they poop on eggs they don't hatch.

The DCM eggs arrived today. All safe and I’m happy with their colour for English cuckoos. They are also good and round, something that will correct my existing stock’s longer eggs.

I’ll get some photos comparing them to my BCMs’ eggs soon.
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The DCM eggs arrived today. All safe and I’m happy with their colour for English cuckoos. They are also good and round, something that will correct my existing stock’s longer eggs.

I’ll get some photos comparing them to my BCMs’ eggs soon.
Very nice. Love the color....♥️
The difference isn’t as clear on the photo as in person, but the top left is Natasha’s egg, next to it is Chanel’s and below is Esme’s. The three are three random eggs from the ones I bought.

It seems that my eggs are more red/purple rather than orange/brown. They are darker but less shiny.
View attachment 3836109The difference isn’t as clear on the photo as in person, but the top left is Natasha’s egg, next to it is Chanel’s and below is Esme’s. The three are three random eggs from the ones I bought.

It seems that my eggs are more red/purple rather than orange/brown. They are darker but less shiny.
All nice eggs... I'm partial to the dull, matte finish in everything, but I know their not proper for Marans eggs.
I got Momma off her eggs today. She didn't put up as much of a fight as I thought. She didn't venture a foot away before wanting back in, so I had to keep her out. Gave her some feed, grapes and peas and she drank and pooed.
She did poo in the nest box once but not on the eggs, so that was a relief. Cleaned that out, and back in she went....
Tomorrow I'll get her off the eggs again and take her out into the run to see if she'll dust bathe and give her a look over for bugs.
Thank you all for the advise, much appreciated as always. ♥️

Edited to add.... She does have feed and water in her area within sight. I did put a small chunk of watermelon in there to hopefully coax her to come out on her own.
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The grow outs are 6 weeks today.
I haven't done too many individual pics other than just watching the boys, but they are looking identical to Kong. Over colored in the chest.

At what intervals should I start thinking serious about individual pics for early selection?

And certain things to look for?
I’d say 16 weeks is a good choice. At this age you can see the colour on the males better. Posting individual pictures at 10 weeks would still allow some judgment.

Any photos are still appreciated, I’ll try to give any feedback you ask for.
The grow outs are 6 weeks today.
I haven't done too many individual pics other than just watching the boys, but they are looking identical to Kong. Over colored in the chest.

At what intervals should I start thinking serious about individual pics for early selection?

And certain things to look for?
From some notes I took here from @Chooks man

Sorry I do not have the post numbers in my notes.

yeah there isa lot marans trait we can select for as chicks ;
1) type = we keep a chunky chick and we cull the skinny one.
2) less white possible ( only under the bally and chest ,tip of they wings )
3) strait legs and well spaced ..
4) healthy ,robust chick.
5) physical defect .
6) recessive melanin . black comb / wattles and toes nails ..
7) long chick (long back ) NOT a square chick .
8) short legs chick NOT a taller legs .
9) blue/green eyes Not a black /brown eyes.
10) chicks with a brown dot on they head sign of purity of a BCM strain .are a keepers .
I’d say 16 weeks is a good choice. At this age you can see the colour on the males better. Posting individual pictures at 10 weeks would still allow some judgment.

Any photos are still appreciated, I’ll try to give any feedback you ask for.
I'll try to get some pics today.

Chaotic here these last few days, the wife has a garage sale going and of course my 2 daughters have to "Here's some of our junk you can sell for us, and while your not doing anything the grandbabies want to stay now... gotta go bye!!" :he

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