
Aug 2, 2020
Hello new community!! My name is Tori, and I'm currently a full-time biology student with an insane passion for the animal community and fervor for learning about domestic and wild/native animals alike!

Though my husband and I adore animals, chicken ownership was something we envisioned coming to fruition in our near future, but not until I completed college. While interning at a local wildlife rehabilitation center this summer, about 30 chicks were brought in as a donation for live feeding our rehabilitating raptors, coyotes, bobcats, and foxes. In an effort to save a handful of the chicks, I was thrust into the new life of chicken parenting!

Neither of us have any background in farming or animal husbandry. We fostered dogs and cats for about 4 years, but neither of us felt a strong attraction to birds until we brought the rescued chicks into our home.

We started with a group of 6 chicks, most which have turned out to be roosters (a story for another day..); through rescue and intentional purchase, we now have a flock of 13, though we have a few that we still *think* might be roosters!

We have (again, a little unclear as some of these are rescued chicks with a bit of a lengthy background):
1-5 Golden Comets OR 1 unknown + 4 Leghorns
2 Rhode Island Reds
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Americanas
2 Plymouth Barred Rocks

In total, we have 13; 3 of which we still suspect to be roo's. My husband and I are both in our early 30's, and we have a 15-year-old daughter that is completely enamoured with each and every one of our pets, and is so so enthusiastic about helping us care for the animals, learning about the animals, and making plans to have a plethora of animals in her future - just like Mom and Dad! We now also have 1 imprinted Canada goose that we have LOTS of questions about (he's also a rescue)!!!

I've been paging through BYC posts for 2 months now. It's really the only place to find answers to specific questions from experienced members of our community!!
Hello new community!! My name is Tori, and I'm currently a full-time biology student with an insane passion for the animal community and fervor for learning about domestic and wild/native animals alike!

Though my husband and I adore animals, chicken ownership was something we envisioned coming to fruition in our near future, but not until I completed college. While interning at a local wildlife rehabilitation center this summer, about 30 chicks were brought in as a donation for live feeding our rehabilitating raptors, coyotes, bobcats, and foxes. In an effort to save a handful of the chicks, I was thrust into the new life of chicken parenting!

Neither of us have any background in farming or animal husbandry. We fostered dogs and cats for about 4 years, but neither of us felt a strong attraction to birds until we brought the rescued chicks into our home.

We started with a group of 6 chicks, most which have turned out to be roosters (a story for another day..); through rescue and intentional purchase, we now have a flock of 13, though we have a few that we still *think* might be roosters!

We have (again, a little unclear as some of these are rescued chicks with a bit of a lengthy background):
1-5 Golden Comets OR 1 unknown + 4 Leghorns
2 Rhode Island Reds
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Americanas
2 Plymouth Barred Rocks

In total, we have 13; 3 of which we still suspect to be roo's. My husband and I are both in our early 30's, and we have a 15-year-old daughter that is completely enamoured with each and every one of our pets, and is so so enthusiastic about helping us care for the animals, learning about the animals, and making plans to have a plethora of animals in her future - just like Mom and Dad! We now also have 1 imprinted Canada goose that we have LOTS of questions about (he's also a rescue)!!!

I've been paging through BYC posts for 2 months now. It's really the only place to find answers to specific questions from experienced members of our community!!
Welcome to BYC and thanks for being a fellow rescuer i currently have 9 rescued roosters and 6 rescued duck's 2 beagles 4cats all rescues on top of all the animals i already have my kids and I love animals my husband likes them he said no more except for the roosters I have a batchler coop for them so they're aloud so ask all the questions you need to their is always someone here who knows the answer

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