

9 Years
May 10, 2010
Hi~ I have been lurking around this site since we got our chicks 2 months ago. We had talked about getting chickens since we moved out from town 6 years ago. I had been hesitant because our lives are already busy and I didn't know if I wanted to take on the work. Well DH and the kids decided we were going to finally take the leap and get them this year. I thought DH was going to bring 5 home, instead he and the kids brought home 21! We have since lost one (hawk?) and 3 are actually Roos. Now of course I have been fully drawn into being a chicken owner. I had no idea I was going to like having them so much
I also had told DH any roos would have to find new homes, but true to my nature I am way too attached to the one now. He was just so darn cute when he started crowing, and because of his coloring and he looked so different from the others the kids named him "cow" early on. It's hard to get rid of something you name.
DH has a history of bringing home new family members despite my unwillingness to have a new pet, and I have a history of taking about 3 days to fully fall in-love with the new creature(s) I think DH knows me all too well. Too bad for him he forgot I am also the type of person that if we are going to do something, we are really going to do it right! SOOOO now DH is building a new hen house with all the amenities I have decided we need for the flock. The old modified goat house is no longer good enough
I hope to post some pics soon.
Glad to have found this site~

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