Introducing 1 bantam hen


In the Brooder
May 2, 2022
Hi. Trust this site more than others to post to! We raised a mixed flock of bantams and orpingtons, had to rehome most as Roos and 1 disabled hen died so down to 1 orpington hen and 1 bantam rooster both aged 20 weeks. Orpington not yet laying. Only really wanted a flock of 3 (was keeping disabled hen), so want to introduce just 1 bantam hen. Is this a bad idea? So far hen seems very gentle and never attacked disabled hen(in fact was pecked by her). Roo is the least fiesty of the ones we had. If I do add just 1 hen is a there a good age for her to be? Does laying make a difference? If shes already laying and a brave bantam does that give her a better chance against orpington or should she be obviously lowest of the low and stick to her place at the bottom? Thanks!
Is this a bad idea?
Might be.
Adding a single bird can be the hardest integration.
Could depend on the size of your coop and run and the demeanor of the existing birds.
Doesn't matter how 'nice' those existing birds are, if their territory is 'invaded' things could get ugly.

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