introducing 3, 2 week old ducklings to mother ducks?

Congrats on the new ducklings, pics when you get a chance. and newspaper is not good for ducklings to be on it's slippery and can cause leg problems. so either shredded up newspaper or shaving would be best. All the best with getting this lil ones in tip top shape.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention the newspaper is shredded...
Very kind of you to rescue these ducklings. It's a shame how some people handle infant animals. They can be lucky to have someone who cares so much for them and informs himself so well

I'd also be eager to see pictures of your new aquisitions.
It is a shame, this woman who got the ducklings didn't even know they needs a special food.
I wish I could upload pictures but I can't figure out how to transfer them from my phone..
Also, it's herself :)
My excuses, hard to figure out on the internet sometimes^^

Do you have a smartphone or an "old fashioned" mobile?

Totally irresponsible of that woman...I once heard a similar story about a teenage girl and chicks, but I guess almost everyone knows one of those tales...
My excuses, hard to figure out on the internet sometimes^^

Do you have a smartphone or an "old fashioned" mobile?

Totally irresponsible of that woman...I once heard a similar story about a teenage girl and chicks, but I guess almost everyone knows one of those tales...
I have a samsung Galaxy, the only way to convert photos is to get an SD card converter, which I am yet to find... it's in my house somewhere...

I see it so often at work, I work for an animal farm and we have chicks and ducklings that we take out to the kids birthday party's, and one of my work mates was telling me she finished the day with so many dead chicks (the ducklings were ok as they ran away) in her pockets as the kids would pick them up my the necks, squeeze them too hard and suffocate them or hold their heads down in the water because they were "thirsty". If i was her I would have packed up the chicks and ducklings and let hte kids play with the other animals. Poor things... Well, I guess it's jsut something kdis need to learn how to do, being gentle with animals is definately something that should be taught at an early age.

It's so frusterating when someone buys an animal on impulse (especially a younge or baby animal that has no chance) without doing any research and then when something goes wrong, they can't figure out what went wrong as they have no idea how to take care of them! Why can't they do at least half an hours research and know just a little bit about the animal before getting it??

There was actually a Pet Store (I can't remember where) but they refused to sell puppies and kittens over the Christmas holidays to stop impulse buyers. Good on 'em!
It is a shame, this woman who got the ducklings didn't even know they needs a special food.
I wish I could upload pictures but I can't figure out how to transfer them from my phone..
Also, it's herself :)
I just email photos I take on my phone to myself. Then I download them on my laptop. I'm sure theres an easier way but this way I get to keep pics I want on my computer, not my phone.
You could also go online on BYC and upload the pictures from your phone. That's the way I do it when I want to upload pictures I took with my phone (also a Samsung by the way).

Hard to believe how cruel children can be because they have no empathy for animals and see them as toys. It is necessary to teach them to be careful with other creatures and have respect.

I once read a book about goldfish, and the author stated at the beginning that first he would point out all the troubles you can have with these animals to discourage every possible buyer who would not be completely into it. It soundet a little harsh, but I think that sometimes it is necessary to make clear that pets are nothing to be bought just for the fun of it.
Yes, that's what I do when someone is looking into ducks, I tell them everything that can go wrong and how to prevent it and then they are turned off ducks, but ducks are amazing! And no matter what pet you get there are always going to be downsides. Like when parents make you take care of a gold fish before you get a "real pet" so goldfish arn't real pets? And from my experience fish are one of the hardest animals to take care of! At least of you have a mamal pet if something is wrong it is something wrong with the animal, but if you have a fish if somehting is wrong it can be wrong with both the animal, or the water or the filter or the PH etc. Then again, I do have fish and they are pretty nifty little things, and this weekend I'm am trying for the first time ot breed my fighting fish...
Do you have geese also? They will sometimes adopt ducklings. The way I did it ( accidentally) . I was brooding the 16 runner ducklings I had incubator hatched from ebay eggs. They were about 2-4 weeks old and it was warm outside so I put them outside in a large dog crate with a heat lamp for the day. Everybody was interested and gathered around, by the 2nd or third day, it was down to my tom turkey and a goose. Trying to chase each other away to protect the caged ducklings. Within the next couple of days the goose won and she proceeded to stay circling the cage chasing away everybody else. So the next morning when I put them out I opened the cage, and watched the ducklings leave the cage and the goose gather them up and proceed to proudly parade them around. She took excellent care of them and watched over them until the next year.

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