Introducing Cockerels or Roosters

The Bantam Guy

6 Years
May 24, 2013
I dont even know :p
Alot of breeders want a new cockerel for there flock to get a mixed chicken.

but the fist thing that comes into mind is what breed then, what will happen

well what happens is the cockerels "battle" they will jump ,peck and push down the other Roo.

and long story short one roo will win and become dominate, BUT! the Roo has to "gain the hens trust" before the birds and the bees

Things To Do

1. make the New Roo as comfy as possible before introducing it.

2. if you want mixed, pick a LARGE new roo

Things NOT To Do

1. do NOT break up thr fight (it will make is more fuss and more fights)

2. NEVER have a sebright cockerel introduced to another (fight to the DEATH)

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