Introducing/free ranging problem


RIP 1938-2020
9 Years
Jul 6, 2010
More of an observation but it leads to a slight problem: In the first week of May I added 3 dozen pullet chicks, 9 breeds of 4 each. Most are at the point now were I should be integrating them with the adults--only 10 plus 2 roosters--so they can go out into the chicken yard. The problem is the size difference in breeds. My RIR NHR, BR, BO,Jersey Giants, Brown leghorns and EEs are all fairly good sized but the silver laced wyandottes and, especially the dark brahmas, are still too small. The brahmas in particular haven't completely feathered out and a couple are half the size of the rest. I'm not worried so much about their getting along with the adults as with their getting lost in the yard--it's 100 X 80. and fairly overgrown While I could separate out the 8 pullets and isolate them it means cutting down the space in the coop as well as the trauma of chasing them down. I'd prefer to just open the gate between both groups and go on from there.

Thoughts? If nothing else this may be a cautionary tale.
Multiple feeding stations / water sources and I would let them sort themselves out together. It’s most certainly what I used to do in such situations.
Multiple feeding stations / water sources and I would let them sort themselves out together. It’s most certainly what I used to do in such situations.
All ready got that--right now they're in separate rooms with chicken wire between, have been for a month or longer. As I said I'm not concerned with the pullets integrating with the hens, just in their getting lost in the shuffle due to size.
All ready got that--right now they're in separate rooms with chicken wire between, have been for a month or longer. As I said I'm not concerned with the pullets integrating with the hens, just in their getting lost in the shuffle due to size.
From my observations size makes little difference (no pun intended :p) - a bit like in the “dog world” - a Jack Russell can intimidate a much bigger dog with no problem :)
I would turn the hens out. And let the chicks explore the new area without being chased. Let them get a feel for the new big world, then let the hens in shortly before dark.

With adding that many, as long as you have some hideouts, maybe a safety zone, I think it will be fine.
I integrated a group of three, one was even smaller than the two. Everyone is doing great and worked it out. As for the yard, might be better for integration as more places to hide. Usually they will stick together in their own flocks for some time before actually joining flocks.

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