Introducing me


In the Brooder
Oct 12, 2017
Well, after browsing this place at the behest of my wife for a few months, I finally decided to sign up. I’m 25 and I live in California.

I ‘adopted’ my flock when I moved here in June. I never had chickens before this, but I’ve always been an animal lover in general. I believe We have about 15-20 roosters, but not as many hens due to predator problems and medical issues. My favorite gamefowl rooster KJ (who was the leader of the entire flock for a year before we had to move him), was a victim of this. We were able to collect 9 eggs we plan to hatch soon from his favorite hen, most of which are probably going to be his, and he is suspected of having fathered one of our game fowl babies.

Gamefowl and Silkie are my favorite breeds and I also like Ayam Cemanis. I’m also interested in getting into breeding

With 15-20 roosters, you'll have a lot of guys to work with on a breeding program.

Best wishes to you!

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