Introducing new chickens


In the Brooder
Feb 25, 2016
Hi guys. I'm getting 2 silkie bantam chicks in a few weeks and need to introduce them to my flock. My flock currently has 1 ISA hen and rooster about 15 weeks of age 1 Sussex hen 10 weeks of age and one small Sussex X silkie hen 10 weeks of age. My ISA's aren't prone to bullying. My chickens all free range but at night get locked up together. What is the best way to introduce the little Silkies
There are lots of integrating threads here, but the general consensus is to create a separate pen, even a large dog crate would work since it's temporary. The idea is for your new hens and the established flock to be able to see and smell each other, but not to be able to physically reach each other. Give them a week or two in this scenario before letting them intermingle. Just putting them in together and seeing what happens may go well, but it also could be a bloody fight. The slower process allows them to get to know each other first.
Thats just hwat I do.And chicjs usually are not tha aggressive,but can be just be there to see hwat happens.
My subject is also introducing new chicks,I have 7 chicks in a netted area in the dining room that are 2 months old. They go in a outdoor pen every day around the older chickens. The adults can see but no touch, In a couple of weeks we want to have them move in to the coop. Should we slip them in at night for the first intro or what is the best way? let me know Julia

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