Introducing new ducks


12 Years
Oct 25, 2011
West Coast, BC
My 3 Runner Ducks are 13 weeks old, 1 male and 2 females. I have the opportunity to bring home 3 more Runners that are 15 weeks old. I'm going to look at them in a few days and choose the females. I'm hoping I can hear the difference between the males and females. Because my 3 now have such distinct sounds between the girls and boy, I'm confident I'll be able to find the girls in the new ones I'm going to look at. Being so close in age do I need to separate them until they are familiar with each other? I'm brand new to ducks so I'm not sure the right way to do an introduction. There is a lot of info out there and I'm looking for some advice from folks who have been through it. My coop isn't large enough to separate them but I do have a small garden shed that I can make into a temporary shelter for the new ducks if that's the recommended way. Thanks in advance for your advice!
Ducks are pretty easy to just put together but you should isolate them anyway to be sure they aren't bringing in any diseases.
Ducks are pretty easy to just put together but you should isolate them anyway to be sure they aren't bringing in any diseases.
Yes you should put them where they can see eachother but not hurt eachother if they get mad. If you feel like they don’t have too much of an issue you can put them together for about 15 minutes but watch carefully to break up any fights and set up another food bowl and water bowl as they might not like sharing. You may see one of your ducks pecking another one but not necessarily being able to seriously hurt it. When I introduced my month old ducks to my newborns the older ones would start vibrating their head and trying to peck them. One of them got along with them pretty fast but my other one still doesn’t like them a month later and every time they get too close he tries to peck them! However I don’t find this as an issue because he’s not going around chasing them trying to kill them I think he just likes having his own personal space. Keep me updated on them and their behavior!

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