Introduction, Hello from CroatiašŸ‡­šŸ‡·šŸ˜

Not sure what his problem is. I have a couple of roosters that would love that beautiful girlā£ļø
Unfortunately for him, he doesnā€™t have much choice. Big girls donā€™t want him and Katica is the only one his size. I always take one rooster and two hens from the same breed. Sadly two months ago a hawk took one that was simmilar to Katica, she was just white, with beige and brown dots.
Unfortunately for him, he doesnā€™t have much choice. Big girls donā€™t want him and Katica is the only one his size. I always take one rooster and two hens from the same breed. Sadly two months ago a hawk took one that was simmilar to Katica, she was just white, with beige and brown dots.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I live in Lika, a valley that is surrounded by mountains. Summer has perfect weather, chilly nights, but itā€™s very warm during the day, there isnā€™t a lot of rain and my land has a lot of trees that provides enough shade for my chickens, although they still have enough sun to sunbathe :) Winters on the other hand are quite rough. In the last few years we didnā€™t have a lot of snow, but rain replaced the snow and my Silkies arenā€™t too happy with it. They sleep in the house with me currently because they got ill. They got wet one day and I took them inside right away, blow dryed them but the next they they started sneezing and coughing so we called the vet and he gave us the meds and theyā€™re not too happy with that, but today they seem a little bit better. October here is not that cold, during the day itā€™s still quite warm 12-15Ā°C, during the night itā€™s 2-4Ā°C but itā€™s quite rainy. My mom and I built them the coop in our barn and we isolated it with styrofoam which wasnā€™t a good idea since they all love pecking it so we need to fix that asap. We connected the coop to the yard and we had to buy a lot of nets to protect them, we have a big problem with hawks. A few months ago a hawk picked up a hen right in front of my eyes when I went in the house for two minutes and since then I started taking extra good care of them. We dont have a big problem with foxes and other predators, just the damn hawks. But all in all thatā€™s Lika :)
Wow, thank you for such a detailed reply! Lika sounds lovely, and I'm sure your chickens have a safe and comfy home with you. We have a hawk problem, too, so my girls can't free range, alas. I have hawk netting over their large outdoor yard - so far, so good. Yes, I can imagine the hens deciding styrofoam is something that needs pecking & picking at! Not food, ladies, not food! (Mine pecked the paper labels off the water jugs I keep in the coop - I didn't expect that. Why, ladies, why?)

Jurek is a very handsome boy! Such interesting feather colors and patterns - I've never seen one anything like him, even in the poultry breed books.
Wow, thank you for such a detailed reply! Lika sounds lovely, and I'm sure your chickens have a safe and comfy home with you. We have a hawk problem, too, so my girls can't free range, alas. I have hawk netting over their large outdoor yard - so far, so good. Yes, I can imagine the hens deciding styrofoam is something that needs pecking & picking at! Not food, ladies, not food! (Mine pecked the paper labels off the water jugs I keep in the coop - I didn't expect that. Why, ladies, why?)

Jurek is a very handsome boy! Such interesting feather colors and patterns - I've never seen one anything like him, even in the poultry breed books.
I did the same thing. We have a really bog yard and itā€™s full of trees so I have no idea how he got through it, I was in the yard the whole day watching over them, feeding them, petting them, gardening and I ran into the house just to get some coffee, I was gone for a minute and it happened. My naked neck rooster attacked the hawk, heā€™s quite territorial, he wanted to grab one of my Brahmas but they were too big so he went after a smaller, easier target unfortunately. After that I also had to put a netting over a smaller part of my yard and theyā€™re safe now, he canā€™t get them but I still check on them every 15 minutes just to be sure :)
They sure do love pecking at things they shouldnā€™t, but sometimes I just canā€™t stop them even tho I try my best. They always find their way to do things they shouldnā€™t došŸ˜‚
Jurek is definitely a handsom boy, but his personality is even better. Heā€™s a special little guy that likes bigger ladies and heā€™s always trying to be an alpha male even tho itā€™s not working for him. Heā€™s way too brave for his sizešŸ˜„ Itā€™s fun to watch how all their personalities mix, theyā€™re all different in their own way.

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