
Not sure how to proceed so I'll just say whatever seems appropriate until I learn the protocols.
Every 10 years or so, I'll change my primary breed of chickens. Right now, I'm easing away from Black Australorps after 10 years (more or less) and easing into New Hampshire reds.
I have to tell you, The Australorps were a joy to live with. With a dozen layers, you're guaranteed 10, usually 11, and sometimes 12 eggs a day, regardless of cold, sunlight hours, or anything else. Absolutely amazing, and true.
Before that, white leghorns, very similar habits. Before that, an assortment of Aracauna's, bantams, and odd giveaways, once a RI Red about 12 pounds, silkies from time to time, Japanese fantails, and a huge Cornish Cross, too big to hop over the threshold. Right now, there are 8 roosters and 3 pullets left over from a hatch of yardbirds I did for a person who "picked and chose" which of her own chickens she was going to take home. Unbelievable!!
Extremely attractive roosters, though. Somebody will want them, or they'll get eaten. Don't care to have a bunch of roosters running around trying to get into my pure bred flocks.

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