
Hi I’m Lyndi. Myself, my wife, and our 3 girls are so excited to be starting our chicken journey. I owned chickens when I was younger but of course, had my mom and dad to tell me what to do. We got some chickens after we built a coop out of free materials. We now have a large run (have already had to make it bigger….. chicken math I guess) haha. The girls love collecting eggs and feeding the chickens. They enjoy playing with them, talking to them and loving on them. I never realized how many breeds there were, and that the can actually be “pets”!

We have 12 laying hens, three roosters, four ducks, about 20 chicks, polish, Easter eggers and assorted bantams. Oh and we have 24 Ayam Cemani eggs in the incubator and about 42 barnyard mix in the incubator.

We have a mix of breeds but I also have 2 Ayam Cemani hens and a rooster that I got lucky and stumbled upon!

We are both in the medical field so chickens are nice to come home to or walk outside and see the tiny raptors running toward you to see what treat you may have for them.

Thank you for the info in advance!
Welcome. You are so correct, roosters are such a gift.
Hi welcome. You will be so glad you joined BYC! This is an amazing place to find quick help . There is an area with questions already asked from the past you might find beneficial at some point. Just search for your answers. You have quite a flock building up there and all the ones in the incubator. Wow! 🤩 fun fun the kids will 😍 love it. Make yourself at home . Everyone here is so helpful and will guide you to the right place if they can’t answer your question. There are always contest so be on the look out. Photo contest are always fun to see or participate. Among others. Glad you joined!

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