Irritated, think new chicken has IB *Update*

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
So irritated today, and think I have decided not to purchase any more adult chickens!! ARG! Thank goodness I listen to you guys, and have my new chickens seperated from the flock. Partly this is my fault, I guess, but I'm still a newbie when it comes to many things.

Bought my new chickens yesterday. The cock is about 5mos, the pullet is about 4. The lady I purchased from said the pullet had sneezed so she had given it a pill (?). I didn't hear any sneezing while I was there. This is a breeder, and there were 74chickens there, most in cages, a few free ranging. All looked clean and healthy, though.

Anyway, last night I noticed the pullet kept closing one eye, but I attributed it to maybe a scratch in the whole moving process. Due to a lot of feathers around her face, I thought one might also be rubbing her. It is not red or swollen.

This morning I noticed she was breathing a bit with her mouth opened, although I don't see any nasal discharge. Some sneezing (but not really much), and the eye thing. I put both pullet & cock out in the chicken teepee today, and put the cat carrier they slept in out there. The pullet came out for some treats, but other than that spent nearly 5hrs in the carrier. The cock originally was walking around, eating/drinking/crowing, but I think he was beginning to get worried, too, since he stationed himself at the carrier door.
I brought both in at 2pm, since they can't stand being seperated, and I wanted to see how the cock is. He's fine, maybe a tiny bit of sneezing. He kept crowing, and walking around. I let him go back outside after a 1/2hr observation. The pullet I've kept inside. She is finally eating and drinking some, and looks bright eyed, but seems kind of low energy.

I did some searching on BYC, and looked at Speckled Hen's great link (thanks Cyn!). Sounds like it might be infectious bronchitis to me?

Here's the part that REALLY irritates me: one source I found online states that chickens will recover, but egg quality will never be the same, there may be kidney damage, etc. ARG! (not all sources agreed on symptoms)

Anyway, just wondering what you folks thought. If this is IB, what are the chances that this little pullet will go on to lay normal eggs? I really was hoping to get some chicks from this pair.

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I don't really like to diagnose too much; there are so many diseases that have similar symptoms. Sneezing by itself is many times environmental, but along with your other symptoms, sounds like it is probably something more. This is one thing I found on IB from this website
Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
An acute highly contagious viral respiratory disease of chickens. Virus is classified as coronavirus. This is a disease of chickens only and all chickens are susceptible unless they have been vaccinated. Recovered birds are immune for several months.

This disease is considered the most contagious poultry disease known. The disease is spread by air, feed bags, infected dead birds, infected houses, and rodents. Infected birds excrete the virus in the feces for several weeks following clinical recovery. Clinical signs are rapid onset and rapid spreading, infection 100% of the flock. The severity is influenced by age and immune status of flock and general health. Feed and water consumption declines, chilling, chirping, watery discharge in eyes and nostrils, laboured breathing with some gasping in young chicks.

Egg production drops to half, no nervous symptoms as with ND. Lesions are primarily in the respiratory tract, infected embryos die before hatching. Primary lesions in young birds are conjunctivitis (eye inflammation) followed soon by nasal discharge, and cheesy exudates in the trachea (windpipe). Birds become asphyxiated due to the lug of exudate in the trachea.

There is no specific treatment, though antibiotics are run for 3-5 days and may aid in combating secondary bacterial infections. Increase room temps and provide good hygiene management.​
Thanks Cyn.

Hmm.. that source doesn't mention sneezing at all... maybe I'm on the wrong track. She doesn't really seem horribly ill, just.. a little depressed (although hard to tell for sure, since she's in a new place and probably scared). Like I said, it's mostly just sneezing, some open mouth breathing, eye irritation, and sleepiness.

Hmm. This is my first illness, so I am at a loss.

Stress in a bird will produces physiological symptoms...moving to a new home is VERY stressful on a bird ... (even changing their feed to a different brand or type will sometimes stress them out)
Many conditions that a bird has recovered from earlier will "recur" (low level symptoms) in times of stress... just give them a good poultry supplement and try to keep the exposure down to weather extremes... give them a couple weeks
You can also give three drops of POLYVISOL in the beak once a day for a week and then taper off the next...
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Thanks Diana! I guess I'll just have to take a "wait and see" attitude here. I'd hate to lose her after I worked so hard to find these guys in the first place.

You know, Meghan, I have one pullet who hates to be caught. If I do catch her, she sort of breathes by opening her beak slightly on inhalation. She only does it when she's stressed and I've watched her closely. It is a peculiar trait to her when she's under what SHE considers stress. Maybe with your hen, it's just the environmental change, who knows? That's what quarantine is for-to observe and diagnose before risking your other birds. So, just watch her and see what happens. Maybe it's nothing and she'll settle in and be fine. I sure hope so!
Just wanted to update:

Pullet seems to be doing MUCH better. Sneezing has stopped, she's eating better. Her eye is still bothering her, but I still think she may have scratched it at some point.

What great little birds these are! So full of personality! And I find it amazing how friendly and relaxed they are. Clearly the lady I bought them from loved them very much and held them all the time. And.. w/o sounding crazy.. I think they LOVE each other. Not kidding.. they have this sweet relationship. Seperate them then put them back together and they coo. The pullet preens the cock. They sleep next to each other. They are adorable!


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