is it just me or are banty eggs easier hatch

Thanks for al the responses. I'm wondering if they break through shell easier since i think a bantam moves freely in its egg even towards very end???&
Ive candled one right before lockdown and i could see it clear as day moving and standard size are not able to move after like day 15 This is what i have read not sure how true it is BUT i think i read somewhere? ?
More details. Are these birds from your flock? Mixed flock of bantams and LF? If so, what are you using for a roo? Is it possible that roo size is having an affect on fertility of LF eggs?
Well, that is a good point, being I have a jap bantam roo with standard sized hens, but even my friend has a big standard size roo French copper maran and she has not been able to hatch standard size....

Ome of my eggs fathered by my banty roo and hen was a standard size EE, was moving around day 28 rocking back and forth. It didnt hatch, but it was feathered bird but i do believe still some yolk on it. We also have to make a tiny hole for the bantams and standard eggs where the airsack is to help them find there way through and day 25 are bantams always hatch late. I know they so dont let it do it on its own but we have had several successful hatches only when we have made pinhole where the air cell is for it to start working its way out.. I'm confusing myself i have tried without making pinhole also still cant hatch a standard egg. Sorry for this cluster response lol
Like s chick is developing with my standard eggs but they dont ever hatch i wonder if its not a good combo because my jap mottled banty roo have short dwarf legs.

Here my little roo is:

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