Is it possible to tell the gender of Pekin ducks at 10 weeks?


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
This is my first time raising ducks, and I'm wondering if there's a way to tell the gender of my three Pekin ducks yet. If so any advice? I can provide pictures if neccesary. Also will they be full grown by this age? It seems like 10 weeks is pretty young still (my 10 week old chicks are still pretty small) but they are already bigger than all of my full grown hens. Thanks!
My pekins are roughly the same age as yours. The easiest way to tell at this point is their Quack noise. The males sound very raspy almost like they have a sore throat and can't manage a large QUACK noise. The females seem to be talking all the time....and when they do QUACK it's a loud and distinct QUACK (think Aflac duck commercials)

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