Is it safe to let ducks and chickens free range in Northwest Arkansas?

Ming Ming

Aug 3, 2017
Hi!, I have 3 Pekin ducks and 8 (mostly bantam) chickens inside a 4x8 run and 5x4 coop. So I really want to let them free range when they reach full size in my fenced in backyard. It's almost completely shaded by low to the ground trees and has lots of shrubs and a large fountain with a berry garden. Would it be safe for them to free range while no ones home? It's also behind a large field with sheep and horses
If there are raccoons, possums, hawks, or ravens I would say no. I had the same dream for my Ducks but after reading the horror stories from other people I decide to do a small fenced off section for them, so a little bigger than a pen but with protection. Apparently even nocturnal predators could attack during the day. However, I'm in Southern Louisiana and I know that even in the suburb these creatures roam, maybe they aren't a problem for you?
Yes,They can absolutely free range in your backyard.Since you have tree's and brush they will hide if they see a hawk.Everyone seems to think chickens are the dumbest land animal.They were put on this world to free range and tend to themselves,sure there has been breeding which makes them at a higher risk of being killed but they still know how to work and live in there natural environment.I have forty birds free ranging's and have only had one death by a snapping turtle.I have tons of raccoons/possums and hawks too.They will be very happy to free range in your backyard.
won't something kill them? I was thinking if I set a live trap and drive what ever I catch drive off and shot or release it and keep repeating
Yes, They can absolutely free range in your backyard.Since you have trees and brush they will hide if they see a hawk.Everyone seems to think chickens are the dumbest land animal.They were put into this world to free range and tend to themselves, sure there has been breeding which makes them at a higher risk of being killed but they still know how to work and live in their natural environment.I have forty birds free ranging's and have only had one death by a snapping turtle.I have tons of raccoons/possums and hawks too.They will be very happy to free range in your backyard.

Well, what state are you located? because it completely depends on your preditors. And what about my ducks! will they hide from hawks?
Yes you can free range them. Yes something will eventually kill some. That's just how it works. Its not that chickens are dumb but that predators aren't dumb either. Cover will help with aireal attacks but won't eliminate the chances completely. Hawks can get through cover and attack before they're seen.
Cover is great for places to hid but it can also hid predators so they can get close enough to make a successful attack. That is especially true for ground predators.
Its risk vs reward. You'll have to decide if the rewards of free ranging is worth the risk of losing some.
I don't like the trap and release somewhere else plan. If you trap something kill it. But yes taking steps to deter or eliminate predators will help.its more work but imo if I'm going to put them at risk then I want to do everything I can to keep them as safe as possible.
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