Is mcmurray hatchery good?

I just picked up an order of 42 chicks from them on Saturday. They are all very healthy and they even gave me 2 extras. Very professional to work with and I would not hesitate to do business with them again.
I would hate to see how many emails a day McMurray receives considering their size. I have seen us receive over 200 emails in a day concerning sales in peak season, and we are tiny by comparison. Always best to call a business.
Recieved a phone call from the post office this am at 7:13. Got dressed and headed to pick the chicks up but what the man forgot to tell me is they don't open till 8:00. Oh well!
Got the chicks got home and opened them up and lost 4 white giants and 1 jumbo cornish rock thought I was going to lose 2 more but dh came to the rescue and got the heat lamps going and everyone else seems to be doing better.
I am going to wait till the morning to call McMurray and wait to see if we lose anymore.
The box that 57 chicks came in was so small I can see why some don't make it. The chicks that didn't make the trip were basically crushed to death.
Abbie our dog is hovering like she hatched them herself.
Not the greatest experience but understandable when you are ordering from a large hatchery.
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well, I just called McMurray and told them my situation. Lost a total of 8 (4 red frizzles and 4 blk silkies)..I was asked if I wanted store credit or the money put back on my visa.

very nice and really no questions asked.

lived up to their word. I'll use them again.

I never got a response from my e-mail. That's why I called..She apologized for that, but I know they're busy right now.
From my experiences, if you want to get something done, you have to call. I'm sure they get reams of email and can never keep up. I don't even run a business and get about 30 non junk emails a day... as a student.
I can't even imagine what a hatchery as big as they are gets! Although, they might not have a big enough staff for email, as some places are more up to date tech wise than others.
I know it says on their packing info and on their web page, that if you need to contact them about an order to CALL
not email. They have an 800 number and it was as easy as pie for me to call and I had great customer service.
I lost 4 chicks out of 28 and they had sent an extra.
they credited me on the 4 chicks I lost. They died w/in the first 48 hours, I think the reason I lost is that they were the smallest chicks and I think they just had a very hard trip going from IA to Oregon they got here in about 36 hours.
The others are doing SUPER,
I would order from them again in a heart beat.
hello all im new here... i ordered 50 birds around this time last year from murry mc murry 25 died i think it was the post office i live in upstate new york it was a long trip for them they did refund money for 25 birds... i have ordered from them about 10 years ago in may and everything went fine...homefarm....
I can't imagine that busting my way out of an egg, only to be immediately shoved in a box with a bunch of strangers and flown to parts unknown would not a traumatic experience... Anyone that doesn't lose a chick in their shipment should consider themselves very lucky, indeed.
That being said, I had ordered 25 (+ 1 free) chicks from them and received them last Monday (in the winter, in Alaska). 4 perished in the first 24 hours. Two were in bad shape when I got them, mashed by their overly energetic cell-mates, but two more became listless and died that first night. Whether it was the chicks, the trip, the handling, or my handling of them on receipt? Who knows? But I called them the next morning and they credited me for the 4 chicks I identified. I was holding back the tears already, but the lady at the other end was SO nice, didn't give me the 3rd degree about whether or not I cared for them properly - nothing. I was so happy. Well... I finally caught the chicks when they weren't bopping around like little fuzzy fleas and lo and behold, I still have 23 chicks. Which means there were two free chicks and I only lost two of my original order. When I called them yesterday (I have another order coming in May) I told her about it. She said Wow - you're an honest lady! but said it was no problem, they'd leave the credit as is. I have had NOTHING but respect/courtesy from them, in their busiest time of the year, and would highly recommend them.
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I have used Murray McMurray. I guess the 'knock' on them is that they attempt to stock every breed imagineable, that perhaps the quality sometimes suffers. With that said, I have got birds from them as was satisfied.

I will just comment on two things:

1) Your best luck will always be using the hatchery closest to where you live. Not all the big hatcheries have websites and sometimes you need to phone. But, the less distance a chick travels the better.

Here is a comprehensive list from Feathersite:

2) Having gotten birds from specialized breeders versus online hatcheries, there is no comparison. The quality of stock you get from dedicated breeders is always going to be superior. This may or may not make any difference to you.

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