Is My Coop Big Enough?


9 Years
Feb 27, 2010
Downingtown Pa
I Have 8 Chickens In A 5x5 Coop The Have Allday Acess To It And Their Run From 5:30-10:00 The Run Is 15x18. Is The Coop Big Enough To Have More Chickens? Because I Have A Roo And Im Thinkink About Buying Some Breeders And Show Chickens Is There Enough Space For More Than Ten But Less Then 20?
I believe it's 4 square feet indoor and 10 square feet of run for each bird. But I believe thats for heavy/standard breeds, and for bantams its 3 square feet of indoor and 6 square feet of run.
I think your a bit over stocked but I think 8 should be fine in that big of a space. Is it possible to make a larger run/coop for them? Keeping them in tight spaces makes them more susceptible to disease. So I think you should stick to 8 for the moment.
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Yea Run I Can Make Bigger Coop Not So Much i Was Gonna Make A Seperate Small Coop For My Broodies And Breeders And Of Course My Shows With A Small Pen But That Wont Be For A Year Or So If I End Up With More Than 14 Or 15 I Will Do it By Next Year For Spring Or Summer.
I have 7 hens, and mine is 4 x 8 but almost too small for my comfort. It is okay, and we did what we could do at the time. But when you move them out there they look small, then they grow more, and get wider. LOL No chicken experience here, other than what I have learned from here, and read the last 4 months, but mine is JUST adequate for my 7, now 6?
If you lived in an area that did not get winters, I'd say yes. But in PA, I personally think you'll be pushing it this winter, as your birds will want to stay inside a LOT more, and will be inside a LOT more even on the basis of it getting dark at 6:30 and not getting light until well after 7am. So I would strongly advice against adding any more birds unless you house them separately (but could possibly share the run, as your run sounds fairly ample).
I'd say your 8 will feel crowded in that coop and possibly you will have some pecking and/or feather picking in you present setup, unless you can fix up the run to keep snow out, so they can get outdoors when there is snow on the ground.

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