Is my egg still alive, urgent help needed!!!


Mar 30, 2023
Hello!! Yesterday i found a cold geese egg, after i returned much later the egg was still there, it wasn’t in a nest or anything, so I decided to try and take it in and warm it up, I tried candling it and it looks like there’s something, I also tried the float test and it did float! If this lil buddy has any chance of survival i want to do everything in my power to help them survive, but if not then i’d like to hold a little funeral for them. If there’s a clear indicator that this little guy is dead please let me know! I’ve been incubating them for about 12 hours now and still no sign of mother. (Photos attached are screenshots from video I took)


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I'm no expert on geese, but an article said that eggs can live for 18 hours without heat and still hatch. I would say that you just need to wait and see. Sorry I can't be more help.
Hi there, for future note, float tests don't indicate that its alive and can hurt chicks so i wouldn't recommend that being done but I don't think any harm has been done.
The veins don't look very good to me.
Oh! Thank you for letting me know! I will be sure to avoid float testing from now on! I just wanna help this little guy out :)

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