Is one of my chickens not laying?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2017
We have had our chickens since April of 2017. I have been very happy with the egg production but I am beginning to wonder if 1 chicken has never laid an egg. We have 7 chickens but have only ever seen 6 eggs laid in one day. Is it possible that the chickens have never all laid an egg on the same day? Or is it more likely that 1 chicken has never laid an egg?
You can check the chicken in question by measuring her pelvic bones.

You can check the chicken in question by measuring her pelvic bones.
That's a pretty good 'info-graphic'....too bad it's not labeled 'laying' and 'not laying'.
Here's a real skeletal illustration and explanation:

We have had our chickens since April of 2017. I have been very happy with the egg production but I am beginning to wonder if 1 chicken has never laid an egg. We have 7 chickens but have only ever seen 6 eggs laid in one day. Is it possible that the chickens have never all laid an egg on the same day? Or is it more likely that 1 chicken has never laid an egg?
Welcome to BYC!
What breeds do you have?
Same birds only lay 2-3-4 times week, pretty rare to get an egg from every bird then.
Except when I had sex linked hens, it's rare for me to get the same number of eggs as the number of hens I have, even in the beginning of lay. It happens from time to time. I would think your hens are all laying unless you have other evidence, they take turns with a day of rest.
That's a pretty good 'info-graphic'....too bad it's not labeled 'laying' and 'not laying'.
Here's a real skeletal illustration and explanation:

Welcome to BYC!
What breeds do you have?
Same birds only lay 2-3-4 times week, pretty rare to get an egg from every bird then.

Thanks for the replies. I have 2 Buff Orphingtons, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Black Australorps.

Don't get me wrong - we are getting plenty of eggs. I was just curious if we had a freeloader ;-)
I find it rare to get as many eggs in one day as I have hens that are laying. I read that it takes a hen on average 26 hours to make an egg, so 6 out of 7 sounds good from here!
My chickens are the same at as yours. I think I have gotten the same number of eggs as chickens once in a year! I know they are all laying as I have figured out who lays which eggs.0

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