Is she molting, getting pecked or sick?


5 Years
Aug 15, 2018
Southeast PA (Bucks County)
Some of my girls went thru a hard molt, one has pin feathers on her head currently. This girl has looked like this for a few weeks. I can’t tell if she is molting, she’s being picked on or is there something else going on? She has some tiny red marks near her vent, which I couldn’t get a photo of without assistance and I noticed an egg the other day with some small blood streaks on the shell (I assume it’s from her). She is eating fine and I assume drinking.

EDIT: We just got a rooster but she was like this before we got him, so it’s not rooster damage (and he’s not mating with them yet, that I have seen).

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!!

Wouldn’t they all look like her if it is mites?
Not necessarily, mites will often find one bird, a few, or all, you never know.
It looks like pecking to me, and pecks around the vent are commonly caused on the roosts at night. You may have a bully, or you may have an overcrowding issue. One bird can make a big difference when it comes to space, some like lots of space and will be pretty adamant about demanding it.
Not necessarily, mites will often find one bird, a few, or all, you never know.
It looks like pecking to me, and pecks around the vent are commonly caused on the roosts at night. You may have a bully, or you may have an overcrowding issue. One bird can make a big difference when it comes to space, some like lots of space and will be pretty adamant about demanding it.

Thanks, @aart. I have two roosting bars, they all squeeze in on one. This spring I am thinking about re-doing the set up in there, but I’m not quite sure how to arrange it. The inside is approx 7 x 7.

This may be a silly question, but if they are all side by side, how would her vent get pecked?

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