Is She Old, Cold, or Sick?

Aunt Angus

5 Years
Jul 16, 2018
Nevada County, CA
Hookbill Jill is pushing 10 years old, according to her former owner. He rehomed her after she ended up an only duck and started to make too much noise for the neighborhood (as chronicled here). She's only been with me a few months.

She's been doing great! She made fast friends with my other 5 ducks, especially my Swedish, Clementine. They all live in a big fenced area with a pond I clean every other day. They get foraging time out on the larger property at least 3x a week, depending on the weather. They eat all flock with oyster shell and whatever grass, worms, and bugs they can find.

Last few days, Jill has been slower than normal. This morning she was hunched up a little and isolated. We are in a sudden cold snap. It's only in the 30s, so not really very cold, but it went from upper 50s to lower 30s rather abruptly.

I checked her out as best I could as she is my most skittish duck. Feet look great. Eyes and nares look great. She's a good weight. No eggs. Good poop. Just quieter, slower, and sleepier.

So what do y'all think? Is there something else I need to check, or is she just old and cold?
Hookbill Jill is pushing 10 years old, according to her former owner. He rehomed her after she ended up an only duck and started to make too much noise for the neighborhood (as chronicled here). She's only been with me a few months.

She's been doing great! She made fast friends with my other 5 ducks, especially my Swedish, Clementine. They all live in a big fenced area with a pond I clean every other day. They get foraging time out on the larger property at least 3x a week, depending on the weather. They eat all flock with oyster shell and whatever grass, worms, and bugs they can find.

Last few days, Jill has been slower than normal. This morning she was hunched up a little and isolated. We are in a sudden cold snap. It's only in the 30s, so not really very cold, but it went from upper 50s to lower 30s rather abruptly.

I checked her out as best I could as she is my most skittish duck. Feet look great. Eyes and nares look great. She's a good weight. No eggs. Good poop. Just quieter, slower, and sleepier.

So what do y'all think? Is there something else I need to check, or is she just old and cold?
Unfortunately I am unsure since none of my birds are older than three years, but I’m Praying she continues to stay healthy. 🙏😊
Hookbill Jill is pushing 10 years old, according to her former owner. He rehomed her after she ended up an only duck and started to make too much noise for the neighborhood (as chronicled here). She's only been with me a few months.

She's been doing great! She made fast friends with my other 5 ducks, especially my Swedish, Clementine. They all live in a big fenced area with a pond I clean every other day. They get foraging time out on the larger property at least 3x a week, depending on the weather. They eat all flock with oyster shell and whatever grass, worms, and bugs they can find.

Last few days, Jill has been slower than normal. This morning she was hunched up a little and isolated. We are in a sudden cold snap. It's only in the 30s, so not really very cold, but it went from upper 50s to lower 30s rather abruptly.

I checked her out as best I could as she is my most skittish duck. Feet look great. Eyes and nares look great. She's a good weight. No eggs. Good poop. Just quieter, slower, and sleepier.

So what do y'all think? Is there something else I need to check, or is she just old and cold?
Oh, I remember sweet Jill's story!
I hope she's okay.

I don't have much to offer, as you know, my girls are young. That said, are you adding extra niacin to the food? Spright had similar issues with tiredness, and that made all the difference.
Is she still laying eggs, or has she stopped?
Oh, I remember sweet Jill's story!
I hope she's okay.

I don't have much to offer, as you know, my girls are young. That said, are you adding extra niacin to the food? Spright had similar issues with tiredness, and that made all the difference.
Is she still laying eggs, or has she stopped?
I saw that! I did run out of nutritional yeast and couldn't find more. I ordered some and added it yesterday. Fingers crossed...

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