Is the heat plate burning my chick?


6 Years
Jan 22, 2018
This is Piper, my 16 day old cuckoo Maran. She has not feathered out as much as my other chicks and tends to spend more time under the heat plate than the others, but she’s still very active. Tonight, I noticed what appear to be scabs on both shoulders/wings. Do you think she’s getting burned from the heat plate or could it be something else? Or is this normal for her breed? Maybe I need to raise the plate (I have it slanted so they can find their sweet spot)? Please help!
Is it a homemade heat plate or one that you bought? It does look like something is either burning or perhaps rubbing her skin their. Have you noticed any pecking? Perhaps it needs to be raised higher.
It’s the premier one heat plate, and I moved them to the outdoor coop last Monday. It’s been in the twenties at night, so one side is lower than the Brinsea they were using indoors. I haven’t noticed any pecking, but tomorrow I’ll try raising it all a bit to see if that helps. I just don’t want her to be cold, especially if she needs more heat than some of the others :confused: It’s just strange to me that the “burns” are on the same spot of each wing.
Does it feel hot when you place your hand under there? This is just my opinion, but I think the heat plate brooders are usually meant to be used indoors where there is a fairly decent ambient temperature. I have used mine inside the house, then when I put them outside, I used a heat lamp. The one I used with the small Brinsea, but it has been 5 years ago. I would call Premier 1, just to see if there have been any other complaints. Hopefully others will chime in.
Does it feel hot when you place your hand under there? This is just my opinion, but I think the heat plate brooders are usually meant to be used indoors where there is a fairly decent ambient temperature. I have used mine inside the house, then when I put them outside, I used a heat lamp. The one I used with the small Brinsea, but it has been 5 years ago. I would call Premier 1, just to see if there have been any other complaints. Hopefully others will chime in.
The reviews I’ve read said it can be used at any ambient temperature but the Brinsea has to be used at 55F or higher, which is why I bought it. It probably wouldn’t hurt to give them a call anyway and double check. Our daytime highs have been in the forties, and they spend more time on top than underneath! I’ll keep you posted! And thank you for replying :)
Shoot, I found another girl with similar marks, although hers is on her back between the wings. I cleaned the brooder, made a huddle box of sorts & raised the heat plate today so I’ll see if that helps. And I’ll contact premier one, too.
i would raise the heat plate, I have the same situation, my chicks seem to always be under the heat plate, so, I raised it and they seem better -- as they are now out and around, I put a stick in the cage and they are roosting during the day today and ate a handful of meal worms :love
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