Is the Tesla Cybertruck ugly or not?

Is the Tesla Cybertuck ugly or not?

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It's ugly. Pretty certain a 8 year old could of made a cooler design with cardboard boxes.
Might just be me though. EVs are a joke to me. I love when people buy them and think they're saving the world.
I don't think it's ugly per se. I think it looks like something aliens left behind.
Dead on with that last sentence.
Sound is what it is for me. Now I haven't listened to any of the more expensive electric cars, but from what I've heard so far, Tesla sounds the best. Some of these other ones sound absolutely terrible and I hate it whenever I hear one. That's one thing I'm happy with Tesla. So far, their cars seem pretty quiet without that annoying ring to them. (Now as far as how loud, that's not what I'm getting at. I can listen to a loud diesel or a modified muffler all day, but with these electric cars, it's their annoying ring is worst than fluorescent lights.)
That ring gives me a headache. Don't even get me started on fluorescent lights Lacy!!!!
electric motor whine is universal. The one that drives me bonkers is Toyota/Honda/Nissan's backup warning that sounds like metal grinding apart as they reverse. Our Kia has a beeper. And the motor whine to me isn't terrible.
That sound drives me up. A. Wall.
I've heard they have EV tax here. They'll screw you over one way or the other.
We have bad air here because of thermal inversion and the heat island effect of a large metropolitan sprawl in the desert. So the EPA is all over the city/county/state about pollution in/around Phx. As a result, we get credits for having pollution reducing vehicles (EV's and alternate fuel). It also used to include hybrids but that law expired in 2020 and they decided to reduce the credit to a smaller pool of eligible types. We get special plates that allow us to use the carpool lanes at all times, which is a very nice perk during rush hour traffic.
We have bad air here because of thermal inversion and the heat island effect of a large metropolitan sprawl in the desert. So the EPA is all over the city/county/state about pollution in/around Phx. As a result, we get credits for having pollution reducing vehicles (EV's and alternate fuel). It also used to include hybrids but that law expired in 2020 and they decided to reduce the credit to a smaller pool of eligible types. We get special plates that allow us to use the carpool lanes at all times, which is a very nice perk during rush hour traffic.
The plates with the clouds on them right?

Here you can go look at Juarez. Nice thick cloud of smog there, and it's gross. You can literally see the border even if you can't see the wall provided conditions are right. If the wind blows right it'll come over here. It's happened before.
My dentists in laws have one, the loaded it up, drove way out in the forest to go camping and they greatly overestimated the range.
It died out there and due to the weight and where is was, they couldn't tow it out, they had to drag out a bunch of solar panels and let it sit for a week (with someone guarding it) just to get enough charge to get it back to the highway to be towed.
My dentists in laws have one, the loaded it up, drove way out in the forest to go camping and they greatly overestimated the range.
It died out there and due to the weight and where is was, they couldn't tow it out, they had to drag out a bunch of solar panels and let it sit for a week (with someone guarding it) just to get enough charge to get it back to the highway to be towed.
That's why I'll probably never own one... we go camping where it's at least an hour of nothing but dirt roads without a building (or power poles) for miles.

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