Is there a breed that you’ve had that you would absolutely not have again?

I’m so thankful for your responses. I never liked the look of feathered feet but I just got 2 light Brahma because I wanted some that were white in the bunch. Hope I don’t regret that decision. I do like the peculiarities of polish but I had 2 that stuck together and they were just fun to watch. Now I have only one 4 week old and I hope he/she integrates ok with the flock
I had three Cream Legbar chicks and they all died from Marek’s disease by about three months old. They were not vaccinated—I didn’t know enough at the time to even ask about the Marek’s vaccine. And while I think they are beautiful chickens, I could never bring myself to try them again.
I obtained my first little flock of 4 in Spring 2018, never owned chickens before. I started with a BA, BR, EE and SS. SS is special needs, she has some neurological issues that causes her to have a pretty sever head tilt at times.

The BR was aggressive with me. Jumping on my back when I was bent over, raking my back and legs, running at me. I just chalked it up to chicken behavior ?

When they all started laying eggs she became aggressive with the special needs SS. I thought it was all just the "pecking order" so tried to let them work it out until one day I heard this awful screaming and found her attacking the SS really aggressively in the coop in one of the nesting boxes. Had her cornered good. She was a really big chicken to. I placed her on Craigslist the next day and the little flock of 3 have thrived together ever since.

Even though I love the look of a BR I will not have one again. There are plenty of good chicken breeds out there to settle for bullies.

What I will have again are BA. Mine is the sweetest, quietest girl. Lays about 5 eggs per week and is beautiful!
When we got our first flock we bought laying hens. One was a speckled Sussex. She was gorgeous. She was mean. She hated all the other hens and us too. We gave her away after a week. I said I'd NEVER buy another speckled Sussex. But, sigh...I went to tractor supply. There was one little chick in a bin by herself and she was chirping so loudly that I couldn't leave her there so I bought her along with brahma pullets. She is lovely. I hope her personality will be lovely too.
I obtained my first little flock of 4 in Spring 2018, never owned chickens before. I started with a BA, BR, EE and SS. SS is special needs, she has some neurological issues that causes her to have a pretty sever head tilt at times.

The BR was aggressive with me. Jumping on my back when I was bent over, raking my back and legs, running at me. I just chalked it up to chicken behavior ?

When they all started laying eggs she became aggressive with the special needs SS. I thought it was all just the "pecking order" so tried to let them work it out until one day I heard this awful screaming and found her attacking the SS really aggressively in the coop in one of the nesting boxes. Had her cornered good. She was a really big chicken to. I placed her on Craigslist the next day and the little flock of 3 have thrived together ever since.

Even though I love the look of a BR I will not have one again. There are plenty of good chicken breeds out there to settle for bullies.

What I will have again are BA. Mine is the sweetest, quietest girl. Lays about 5 eggs per week and is beautiful!
What is BA?
I had 2 barred rocks that were the most docile hens I’ve ever owned. I mean crazy friendly. Would jump in the kids lap and lay down to be petted. Isn’t that strange how your experience is so different.
I never liked the look of feathered feet but I just got 2 light Brahma because I wanted some that were white in the bunch.

I really like the color pattern on the Light Brahmas, so I've done some research on what other breeds are similarly colored: Delaware, Lakenvelder, Light Sussex, Columbian Wyandotte, Columbian Rock ("Columbian" anything, really). I haven't gotten around to trying any of them yet, but it's on my to-do list...
I really like the color pattern on the Light Brahmas, so I've done some research on what other breeds are similarly colored: Delaware, Lakenvelder, Light Sussex, Columbian Wyandotte, Columbian Rock ("Columbian" anything, really). I haven't gotten around to trying any of them yet, but it's on my to-do list...
I had someone local offering light Brahma very reasonably priced so that’s why I went for it
I’m so thankful for your responses. I never liked the look of feathered feet but I just got 2 light Brahma because I wanted some that were white in the bunch. Hope I don’t regret that decision. I do like the peculiarities of polish but I had 2 that stuck together and they were just fun to watch. Now I have only one 4 week old and I hope he/she integrates ok with the flock
I had a light brahma for a while but had to re-home because I had too many roos. I found no trouble with feathered legs or feet. :D

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