Is there a breed that you’ve had that you would absolutely not have again?

Americauna. I had only had two but they were the stupidest birds I ever had. Female died of heatstroke because it was a warm day and it couldn’t figure out how to drink water. Male sucked at breeding and we had to euthanize it because it almost killed our hens by how aggressive it was. Not with the blue eggs.
No, no! I love my Amerucanas! Barbara Ann is so pretty and nice and even my roo, Fowler is a good boy. Fowler lets me pet his chest when he roosts on the low roost. They are wonderful, and the blue eggs are such a plus! I'm sorry your birds were "bad". :hugs

Barbara Ann.jpg Fowler face march 2020.jpg easter egger with beard silver.jpg
Not a fan of some just because I've had bad experiances with the roosters.
Black Australorp, and cochin bantam roos, along with polish were the meanest roos I've ever had. I have 2 bantam cochin roos right now that are mean as ever. I don't know if they are just trying to make up for their size or what. Because my large fowl cochin roos were some of the best I ever had. Polish roos ( I've had several) are the same way, but I think polish are just flighty, but beautiful. I have 2 girls right now and they talk a lot, I mean a lot. With the BA I couldn't even leave my porch without a stick (got rid of him real fast). My best experience was with my LF cochin and my white leghorn roo.
Not a fan of some just because I've had bad experiances with the roosters.
Black Australorp, and cochin bantam roos, along with polish were the meanest roos I've ever had. I have 2 bantam cochin roos right now that are mean as ever. I don't know if they are just trying to make up for their size or what. Because my large fowl cochin roos were some of the best I ever had. Polish roos ( I've had several) are the same way, but I think polish are just flighty, but beautiful. I have 2 girls right now and they talk a lot, I mean a lot. With the BA I couldn't even leave my porch without a stick (got rid of him real fast). My best experience was with my LF cochin and my white leghorn roo.

This made me laugh. Anyone that has had a mean rooster can relate!
Um probably silkies. They're not the smartest I felt like they lacked some basic survival instincts and the hens can be quite broody. And ducks. I know it's not a chicken but they're sooooo messy I probably would not want to try them again.

My favorite chickens were my "barnyard mix" of silkie/RIR/dominecker(barred rocks?)/games. Beautiful birds with sweet temperaments. I guess I'm weird cause I like the feathered feet and it's one of the reasons I am trying brahmas, among other reasons. The light brahmas feet are staying pretty clean so far!
This is a good question. I have to say, and I've said it before, but I HATE RIRs. HATE them. I know people who have them and love them. I understand also that the heritage RIRs are much nicer. However, I've never had a good experience with them, even when they are used to create hybrids. Some of that meanness still comes through.
I'm finding it interesting hearing this about RIRs...I had them as a kid, and they were very chill. But, that was 25 years ago, so perhaps that makes them "heritage" lol!
I'm finding it interesting hearing this about RIRs...I had them as a kid, and they were very chill. But, that was 25 years ago, so perhaps that makes them "heritage" lol!
We had them when I was a kid too. I don't know which they were, but they came from a local hatchery. That flock is the main reason I refuse to own RIRs anymore. That rooster was satan spawn. :mad:

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