Is there a word that means the opposite of "define"


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
So, when you give someone a word and tell them to tell you what it means, you are telling them to define the word. What if you give them the definition ask what word it is defining is? Does that make sense? Is there a word for that? I don't know. There has to be. If not, I think we need to make one up!
Ooh. That's pretty good actually. I think I will use that. I feel like maybe there still is a different word for it though. Like "identify" isn't specifically just for that, ya know. Identify could be used for other things too. hmmm. I'm not sure.
Yeah, you're right, it's not very precise. But for the situation you're describing, personally I would go with "identify" seeing as it seems to fit the bill okay. And I don't know all that many words. :p

I actually did think of "obscure" at first (like sourland) when I read the title of the thread, but then I saw what you wanted to use the word for and realised obscure probably wouldn't do the job.

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