is there such a thing as a nice rooster


15 Years
Dec 28, 2008
Pickens SC
My bantams used to be so nice. Now for the 2nd time my rooster is mean. The first one at 6 mos.. this one (a cuckoo maran) at one year. I tried reform and blunting his spurs but today he attacked me for the last time. Should I just give up on keeping a roo. I'm really bummed but I honestly dont think it is me causing it !!

Good to know Cyn, I wish you were just a little bit closer.. I would drive over and take proper rooster raising training from you. This guy has to go... I have a huge bruise on my arm. Now my girls will be alone. I just hate it.
We've had many many roos, and only one has been nice. He was a RIR/EE cross, and man that roo was awesome! He NEVER dipped a wing at us, or even thought about spurring anyone. He was gentle with children, even small toddlers. On top of that, he took awesome care of his hens. If anything came up, he flew over in a wing beat to check things out. He would dance when we let his hens out-the only roo I've seen do that. He was huge too, so we were lucky he was gentle.

We could play with his tail feathers, or pick him up, and no fussing. I loved that roo so much. Unfortunately a fellow brat took him out one day.
I was right there, but it happened too fast for me to intervene. So yes, many roos are difficult, and they can be nice 364 days a year, then when you least expect it, WHAM! But once in a while, you find a gem. I'll probably never find one like Goob ever again.

Good luck! Be sure to show your roos who is boss. Don't back down, be aggressive right back to them. Kick them, shove them away from the food, don't let him come near you. Carry a stick and use it! I wish you the best.
from what i have learned in the last year- if you are going to get a roo chick, don't handle him, or as little as possible, because when he grows up he will think of you as part of his harem- not handling insures in his mind you are boss. That said, consider what breed you choose- i replaced my mean roo with a brahma, he has never shown agression, but he doesn't tolerate being petted or anything like that... there are bantam brahmas- so research the docile breeds, i believe cochins also are in that catagory- this is barny

my bantam cochin Sunny is wonderful! he even protects me like one of his girls when the other roo gets feisty with me. (not sure what Gonzo really is but he is a twit and may make it into a soup pot someday soon!) and my newest addition Big Papa a bantam salmon faverolles is a wonderful boy!

Sunny's offspring seem to have the same temperament as him so far and i hope they stay that way! and i know that Big Papa's are just as friendly since i have 2 of his daughters in my coop and i've seen one of his sons and i've been told he is a lap roo!
I have had several very nice roosters. Three of which were Bantam Cochins, who followed me around like puppy dogs. I've had a really nice RIR Rooster "Peeps" who loved to go for rides in the car to pick up the kids after school. I had a BRLWyandotte that I loved...he was so kind and sweet - killed by a dog. It was a pretty sad day.

Peeps was killed by our Neighbor's dog too...the dog was terrible. When we went to their house to tell them he had come over and taken Peeps from us...they refused to answer the door...real nice. He had slipped under their garage door which was the over head type and was cracked open about 10" above the ground - the dog took peeps into garage and killed him - we couldn't get to him. They never acknowledge our "in person" visit or the many phone messages we left.

It is very possible to have a nice rooster - hope you find a nice one of your own, someday.
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I currently have 14 large fowl roos that are all well tempered. I rarely get a large fowl nasty, but there always seem to be a random one in a bunch. I have primarily had issues with bantam roos myself. Like Cyn said, they think they're ten feet tall and bulletproof. I think they act big because they're so small. They have to in order to survive in such a big world.
My roo is a real sweetheart. He doesn't want petted or picked up, but he likes to follow me around and he's very very nice to my girls. He calls me outside to give the girls BOSS in the morning and won't shut up until I do it! He doesn't eat the seeds but he wants the girls to have them for breakfast! He is a mixed breed LF Cochin/SLW so he's pretty huge but very gentle. I love my Vern!
I have a buff orpigtonwho is my best bud and a silkie who loves me. They both take good care of their hens, too. We used to have a little little ( banty or bantam??) rooster that greeted me when I drove up the driveway. He would sit on our shoulder and talk to us. Unfortunately, a hawk got him because he wouldn't stay in his pen. We called him Shrinky-dink and miss his antics. We also had a RIR rooster, Zeke, that chased everyone but us out of the yard. Reggie was a Bard Rock that was also a nice rooster. I think we've been pretty lucky!

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