Is this a black orpington?


Apr 15, 2020
I hatched some orpington eggs that were supposed to be lav and black splits (roo lav, hen black split lav) and ended up with all blacks. I only kept one and I am not familiar with orps at all... Does this look like an orpington to you? She is 3.5-4 weeks old. I am wondering if I possibly got eggs from another hen of a different breed since none were lavender.

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I hatched some orpington eggs that were supposed to be lav and black splits (roo lav, hen black split lav) and ended up with all blacks. I only kept one and I am not familiar with orps at all... Does this look like an orpington to you? She is 3.5-4 weeks old. I am wondering if I possibly got eggs from another hen of a different breed since none were lavender.

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He is not what you paid for. Not an Orp.
Thank you both. I haven't ever owned anything but silkies but so far this chick looks nothing like I was expecting an orp to look. Will have to see what it looks like as an adult. It is one of my most food motivated chicks right now.
Thankfully the eggs weren't too expensive, but still a little disappointing since I wanted a specific breed.

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