Is this a Gold Brabanter?


8 Years
May 11, 2011
I hatched this little guy with an assortment of purebred eggs - I'm thinking brabanter but it seems to have too much black. The comb and other characteristics look right but not sure

His beak looks blue in the first picture, but it is black
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The eggs I received to hatched were an assortment of breeds and they were supposed to be SQ - but I don't think he qualifies as SQ at all (brabanter or Polish). The eggs were not marked so it was kinda of a guessing game. I can't say that I was impressed with the quality and the service from where these eggs came from. Anyone can say theirs are SQ I guess and it was dumb of me to buy the eggs in the first place. I guess he could be a really bad quality GLP - who knows. Hopefully I can find a home for him anyways

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