Is this calcium deposits on egg?


6 Years
Jan 17, 2018
Northern Ontario
i have all my chickens on neo-Chlor right now and the hen this egg came from hasn’t laid in 3 days(that I’m aware of). They started non gmo layer crumbles on Tuesday before that they had grower with oyster shells available. They are 24 weeks old. Along with the deposits the bottom of the shell is very rough(I’ve had hens in the past that laid eggs like this). Any advice will help!
What illness are you treating them for since they are on Neo-Clor? Do they have a respiratory illness?

It does look like calcium deposits to me.
Calcium deposits can be just a glitch, from having a nutritional imbalance, dehydration, disturbances, defective shell gland or something more serious like (illness- Infectious Bronchitis, Infectious Laryngotracheitis or Avian Encephalomyelitis.

If this is the only egg from this girl, I would just keep a watch on her. See that she is drinking well, eating her normal feed, etc.
Yes I believe they have some type of respiratory illness. Most started sneezing and I only hear the odd sneeze now and all the girls laid today. I’ve watched the one hen that laid that egg and she seems to be eating,drinking and moving around fine. I’ll keep an eye on her eggs. They all seem to lay a different colour so it’s easy to tell whose is who - that and I spend maybe too much time hanging out with them lol. Thanks :)

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