Is this even possible??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
Irwin, OH
I had a hen with sour crop. I tried to find a vet, none in the area, ended up coming here and finding a few threads for help. None of the tractor supply's had any of the recommended items... so ended up trying the monistat. The next morning I woke up and she was almost completely empty. I was thinking... this is weird but I let it go. Tonight I got home and she has a TON of energy but when she drinks... it comes back out from somewhere on her chest!! I can't hold her to check because she's fighting and if she is injured I don't want to hurt her. My DH will be home at midnight...

Is it possible that she actually has a hole in her crop and through the skin? How the heck could that have happened and what do I do? I'm at wits end here... I'm 6 months pregnant and emotional anyway but I truly don't know what to do at this point! And since there is no vet... Well... we will have to do whatever we are doing alone.
How much of the monistat did you use? I read the thread about it as well,thought it was a brilliant idea,but the amount mentioned was 1/3 of a tablet 2x a day. Is the water actually coming from her chest,or possible leaking from her beak?
I cut it in 1/3 and gave her 1 piece of the 1/3 last night, one this morning. and one tonight. She'd been throwing up by herself so we didn't even mess with that. It apparently happened after the 1/3 last night (and I broke the third into several pieces and she ate them pretty much herself). When I woke up this morning, the house really smelled and I turned the light on to check on her and honestly I just thought she threw up a lot... there was even a clump of grass there. I gave her the second dose, the same way as the first, and she went and got a drink. I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention to her chest then because I was rushing to work. Tonight I came home and didn't give her the 3rd dose immediately. I noticed the bottom of the cage was all wet, assumed the waterer was leaking, filled it when I came back with the yogurt and the monistat, she started eating the monistat then went for the water. I left the room for a minute and when I came back I saw her drinking, it would come form her chest, and she'd look down at it. I thought maybe it was just the water on the bottom of the cage she's in even though it was a stream of water, then a very small piece of the monistat came out and she ate it again.
My husband just got home and we looked at her... she is wide open. Since I can't find a vet in this area... he will put her down in the morning.
I have been googling and can't find one instance of a chicken crop exploding. I feel horrible and angry. We just moved to this area and the fact that I couldn't find one thing, or one vet to see me... I feel like selling the house and moving to another area where my pets can be treated. To make matters worse... I feel like I completely failed her.
:( don't worry about it, these things happen. I guess I should look around to see if any vets around me treat chickens come to think of it.
Is there any way for it to heal back, there are some threads on here about crop surgery for impacted crops. You may want to read those to see if you may be able to repair the damage.. Sometimes we can't fix them all. Good luck with your hen.
Definitely don't wait to find a vet. I spent hours calling people, begging vets to see me, and being turned down by everyone. I'd ask if there was anyone NEAR here and they'd act like "why they heck would you want to bring a chicken to the vet". I told DH that we HAVE to find someone and have a phone number and address by our fridge because I can't see this happen again.

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