Is this even possible??

I will search for those threads and see what I can come up with. Sadly, I can't do anything tonight because everything is closed and we don't have anything to suture or glue to seal it. This is such a mess...
Possible the wound will heal on its own? No blood showing with cut? I know how you feel regarding vets. I live in a farming community and my vet will not treat and does not know anything about chickens. I had to pick up some meds for my chicks and vet just gave me what i wanted because they didn't have a clue as to what it was for. So frustrating,i find that you have to search everything in order to find info about medical issues regarding chickens. That being said,i would have tried the same treatment, you did the best that you could and obviously care for your chicks.
Well, it ended up the sour crop wasn't our main problem. I found a vet who also owned chickens, an angel, and when I took her in she said that sour crop wouldn't cause this and said that we would see if we could fix her. We've technically only owned this hen since December... we... stole her and four of her friends... from a very bad home that mistreated all of their chickens, starved them, kicked them. They were bad people and after we moved and stopped caring for them, 30 chickens died. I called animal control so many times on them and nothing ever happened. I guess in the eyes of the county, chickens don't count as animals when they are being abused. Anyway, her crop was WIDE open. The vet said that we could TRY to save her, but she's a very sick little girl and she couldn't guarantee it would even help. She had old injuries, and had gangrene in her crop. She said that's why she got the sour crop, and why she exploded like that. We elected to put her to sleep and were able to hold her and love her until she left us. The vet also said we are welcome to bring the other chickens in if there is an emergency or I need any treatment even though the clinic technically doesn't take chickens. We are heartbroken but very thankful for this vet who went out of her way on a Saturday early morning to make my sweetie feel better.

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