Is this fowl pox?

THis is just my outlook on fowl pox. I am in a wet area in North Florida (there is swampy land adjacent to mine) and there are mosquitos and I cannot do anything to get rid of them so I don't do anything to prevent fowl pox in my flock. I take my chances. I have been fortunate so far that none have gotten it in the "wet" form where it gets in the throat although I have had pox in the eyes. I actually did kind of look at it in the same way as when I had kids....kind of lets just do it all at once and get it over with.
I feel so bad for Jescee77 and the flock! It almost looks painful!

CMV - I know you don't innoculate. I don't get my kids' vaccines, and here I am thinking about doing this to my chickens! But I'm SOOO concerned because of the amount of mosquitos we have.

I just read another thread with someone PLEADING to innoculate because of disasterous results with her pox-flock.

Does anyone have an answer to this? The manufacturer of the vaccine states to not give the vaccine to pullets 18 weeks of age or older. And to not vaccinate during egg production, or even eat the eggs. Thoughts?
Yes, I brought 2 of the birds home, and gave 3 to a neighbor. Each of us has the new birds quarantined away from our other flock. We are taking precautions to not handle birds without washing in-between flock care. They are happily laying eggs!
Dawg 53,
my 2 yr old cochin got it right after rearing her baby chick. During it, she was limping and she did loose all sight in one of her eyes from it. Limp is gone, but since she lost sight in one eye, she cant roost (balance off) and it takes her many times before she can actually eat a pellet (aim). I have her separated from the other hens (free ranging night and day - no coop for her) and her sores are gone.
Can and should I reintroduce her to the flock? Its been about 6 weeks. She has not laid any eggs for about 3 months (from sitting on and hatching the eggs and then rearing the chicks) Chickens are gone now for about 3 weeks but she has yet to lay. Maybe more going on inside?

Flock Mistress:

my 2 yr old cochin got it right after rearing her baby chick. During it, she was limping and she did loose all sight in one of her eyes from it. Limp is gone, but since she lost sight in one eye, she cant roost (balance off) and it takes her many times before she can actually eat a pellet (aim). I have her separated from the other hens (free ranging night and day - no coop for her) and her sores are gone.
Can and should I reintroduce her to the flock? Its been about 6 weeks. She has not laid any eggs for about 3 months (from sitting on and hatching the eggs and then rearing the chicks) Chickens are gone now for about 3 weeks but she has yet to lay. Maybe more going on inside?
It appears that our chickens (just 5 months) have this, too. They were otherwise unaffected until this past Sunday when one was just standing and staring would not really moved even when the dogs barked at her through the fence. She died Monday night. Then one Tuesday. We had to xx one yesterday just laying and couldn't move her legs or head and one was dead when we woke up today. We still have 2 that are just standing or sitting around that we don't expect to be alive in the morning. Had 15 now 11. Others seem to be okay- not lethargic but have the pox. Maybe we have the wet kind? I have not been able to find much on that other than it effects their insides. We have been putting ACV in water since Tuesday and giving plenty of grass, weeds, flowers etc from yard. They are in a large pen with chicken house and all so they don't usually get into the greens in the yard. We were advised to put in lots of greens from the yard cause they will eat what will make them regurge and flush out any irritants, etc in them. We did buy the avian pox vaccine per our vet but can't find anyone to administer it. Vet won't cause he doesnt sell it only said we should do it. Any other suggestions?
It appears that our chickens (just 5 months) have this, too.  They were otherwise unaffected until this past Sunday when one was just standing and staring would not really moved even when the dogs barked at her through the fence.  She died Monday night.  Then one Tuesday.  We had to xx one yesterday just laying and couldn't move her legs or head and one was dead when we woke up today.  We still have 2 that are just standing or sitting around that we don't expect to be alive in the morning.  Had 15 now 11.  Others seem to be okay- not lethargic but have the pox.  Maybe we have the wet kind?  I have not been able to find much on that other than it effects their insides.  We have been putting ACV in water since Tuesday and giving plenty of grass, weeds, flowers etc from yard.  They are in a large pen with chicken house and all so they don't usually get into the greens in the yard.  We were advised to put in lots of greens from the yard cause they will eat what will make them regurge and flush out any irritants, etc in them.  We did buy the avian pox vaccine per our vet but can't find anyone to administer it.  Vet won't cause he doesnt sell it only said we should do it.  Any other suggestions? 
Do they have signs of it? Or just dying?
They have signs of dry pox. What are signs of wet pox? Other than pox on comb and wattle, they stand and stare kind of listless, or sit in the shade and really don't move then get kind of lame for half a day then shake for a few seconds and vomit then die. Have seen some diarrhea with looks like blood in it three times since Monday. A few breast s looks puffy so put little oilin with acv in all water. Egg production from 12 a day to 3. Some eggs get pecked even though we check every hour. It almost seems that the heat is killing them. They have plenty of shade and we keep several waterers around even a fan blowing under house since Tuesday. We thinking maybe the stress of dry pox plus the heat? But dont know signs of wet.

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