Is this Marek's?


Dec 8, 2023
Sassy is 16 wks old, at the bottom of the pecking order, and has appeared healthy until now. She started stumbling about 4 days ago, and is progressively worse each day. Can't walk up the ramp to her coop anymore. Stumbles when walking, falls over sometimes, is weak on her left side - leg, wing drooping, neck twisting oddly. She is eating and drinking and otherwise acts alert, is not pale, eyes are fine, but seems too thin. Others are picking at her neck. Thoughts?


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Similar happened to one of mine - she started limping at first and falling over, she was still eating but lost a lot of weight. Vet ruled out injuries or bumble foot, she seemed to be in discomfort and I ended up euthanizing. Necropsy points to Marek’s unfortunately and now another chicken of mine seems to be getting the ocular version. Just horrible.
I really wish I could help you! I had the same thing happen to a bird.. it was so sad. I really hope she gets better for you. She is so pretty. 😪😪
Sassy is 16 wks old, at the bottom of the pecking order, and has appeared healthy until now. She started stumbling about 4 days ago, and is progressively worse each day. Can't walk up the ramp to her coop anymore. Stumbles when walking, falls over sometimes, is weak on her left side - leg, wing drooping, neck twisting oddly. She is eating and drinking and otherwise acts alert, is not pale, eyes are fine, but seems too thin. Others are picking at her neck. Thoughts?
What are you feeding, including treats?

What's wrong with her neck/breast? I see some BluKote on the skin/feathers? Can you photos of the neck, is the wound open?

Marek's is a good possibility, hard to know for sure unless you lose her and have testing/necropsy.

Do her eyes respond, does she seem to be able to see o.k.?

I'd focus on her eating chick starter and start her on vitamin therapy to see if it makes a difference. Give her 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with a treat of Egg to help with the uptake of E.

If she's being picked on, then it may be a good idea to place her in a separate area or kennel/cage for her protection, but I'd keep her near the flock if possible, so they can see each other.
Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. Sassy declined rapidly to the point of not being able to stand or walk at all, and her head/neck was droopy and weak. She continued to eat the starter/grower feed that I made into a mash, but refused to drink. I gave her vitamins in water early on, when she was drinking, and also some egg for selenium. Her eyes looked normal, and she continued to cluck and chatter. That is Blukote on her neck where the other two were pecking at her. I did separate her to eat, but let her sleep with the others. She became defenseless when she could no longer walk. I euthanized her on Monday. It's so sad to watch how this disease hits and so rapidly progresses. Now I'm hoping the other two don't succumb to it also. They are just a few weeks from laying age, and I understand that that can be a stressor too which activates the disease process, if it is Marek's. It's discouraging. 🙁 Maybe I'm too old to take on chicken-keeping(just turned 71). I just wasn't expecting such deadly problems in my little flock of 4. One sudden death, one nearly died from Coccidiosis(and I fear she has severe intestinal damage, poops still watery with little solid material in them), and now having to euthanize the third. If starting out with vaccinated chicks is the way to go, I would advocate for that. I started with unvaccinated 7-wk old pullets. I certainly have learned a lot since then, and have so appreciated the support and help from you all at BYC!! Thank you so much! 💓
Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. Sassy declined rapidly to the point of not being able to stand or walk at all, and her head/neck was droopy and weak. She continued to eat the starter/grower feed that I made into a mash, but refused to drink. I gave her vitamins in water early on, when she was drinking, and also some egg for selenium. Her eyes looked normal, and she continued to cluck and chatter. That is Blukote on her neck where the other two were pecking at her. I did separate her to eat, but let her sleep with the others. She became defenseless when she could no longer walk. I euthanized her on Monday. It's so sad to watch how this disease hits and so rapidly progresses. Now I'm hoping the other two don't succumb to it also. They are just a few weeks from laying age, and I understand that that can be a stressor too which activates the disease process, if it is Marek's. It's discouraging. 🙁 Maybe I'm too old to take on chicken-keeping(just turned 71). I just wasn't expecting such deadly problems in my little flock of 4. One sudden death, one nearly died from Coccidiosis(and I fear she has severe intestinal damage, poops still watery with little solid material in them), and now having to euthanize the third. If starting out with vaccinated chicks is the way to go, I would advocate for that. I started with unvaccinated 7-wk old pullets. I certainly have learned a lot since then, and have so appreciated the support and help from you all at BYC!! Thank you so much! 💓
:hugs I'm so sorry to hear about Sassy.

Sad to hear you are having a hard time. I hope things do get better, don't give up just yet.

Everyone has their own opinion of having chicks vaccinated. While the Marek's vaccine can help prevent the formation of tumors, it does not stop birds from being infected from the virus. Often vaccinated birds get sick and die just like unvaccinated, so it can be a toss of the coin.

If you happen to lose anymore, it would be a good idea to send the body to your state lab for testing/diagnostics. They will give you a report of their findings. With this information you at least know what you are dealing with and can take steps if necessary to manage disease or even offer treatment/supportive care.
Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. Sassy declined rapidly to the point of not being able to stand or walk at all, and her head/neck was droopy and weak. She continued to eat the starter/grower feed that I made into a mash, but refused to drink. I gave her vitamins in water early on, when she was drinking, and also some egg for selenium. Her eyes looked normal, and she continued to cluck and chatter. That is Blukote on her neck where the other two were pecking at her. I did separate her to eat, but let her sleep with the others. She became defenseless when she could no longer walk. I euthanized her on Monday. It's so sad to watch how this disease hits and so rapidly progresses. Now I'm hoping the other two don't succumb to it also. They are just a few weeks from laying age, and I understand that that can be a stressor too which activates the disease process, if it is Marek's. It's discouraging. 🙁 Maybe I'm too old to take on chicken-keeping(just turned 71). I just wasn't expecting such deadly problems in my little flock of 4. One sudden death, one nearly died from Coccidiosis(and I fear she has severe intestinal damage, poops still watery with little solid material in them), and now having to euthanize the third. If starting out with vaccinated chicks is the way to go, I would advocate for that. I started with unvaccinated 7-wk old pullets. I certainly have learned a lot since then, and have so appreciated the support and help from you all at BYC!! Thank you so much! 💓
I’m so sorry. :hugs🤗🫂

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