Is this mareks

If poop is normal, she doesn't have botuism. Her poop would be watery and white with mucous.

Have you tried giving her sugar water? Her symptoms can be from a number of different things. Weak legs may respond to sugar elevating her glucose levels.
Hello- my poor baby girl, originally she was very broody and now I know it’s not just that… is this Mareks disease? Unstable, won’t eat. I have her B12 and subQ water, what else do I do.

For about 1 week. I originally thought she was just broodie, I would pick her up everyday to taken her out of coop to walk around, she seemed to be walking ok. She would lift one foot weird, but not like yesterday. I thought she may be dehydrated, or weak due to lack of food, now she’s not eating. She does scoot backwards, but unstable. Legs completely splayed out

I can start an IV on her with D5.??!! I gave more B-12. She’s about 3 years old, no mites, she’s is a quiet place inside.
How long was she "broody" and you were taking her off the nest?

I agree, I'd work on hydration, get her drinking. Give vitamin therapy of 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex, give a little egg to help with the uptake of E.

I get that you are giving B12, but that's just Cobalamin, you want the Complex which also has B1 (Thiamine) and B2(Riboflavin).

Possible it's Marek's, but if she's been broody, not eating/drinking and is in a weakened state, this may be all it is - dehydration and malnourishment.

If you do lose her, sending the body to your state lab would give you the best information. You can look up your lab here:

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