Is This Ocular Marek's Disease?


5 Years
Feb 22, 2019
South Carolina
Hi Friends,

This is difficult (because I want the answer to be NO), but I have 27 birds. In my mature laying hens (2 years old) one of the Buff Orphington's has a strange eye. It's pupil is tiny, while on the other side, the pupil is normal. She eats, drinks, lays normally. Comb is slightly paler than the others. Your thoughts? Ocular Mareks or no?
This is her left side:
Buff Orphingtons May 2019 002.JPG
And her right side:
Buff Orphingtons May 2019 003.JPG
Coming from someone without Marek’s experience, my hunch is yes. Sorry. I could be wrong. And the only was to know for sure is with necropsy. Regardless, if it is, the flock has already been exposed. @rebrascora has experience with Marek’s in her flock and may be able to offer advice or at least perspective. Good luck.
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