Is this Phil or Phyllis?


15 Years
Jan 26, 2008
Sparta, TN
I think my "free exotic" from McMurray is a Buff Laced Polish, he/she is 5.5wks old and I need help with gender ID. If it's a cockerel it HAS to go. I already have 3 males and I'm afraid my neighbors are going to have some issues with noise.

Thanks, I really hope it's Phyllis my kids will be disappointed if I have to get rid of another cockerel.
UPDATE: We had high hopes that it was Phyllis, but this a.m. at 14wks Phil started crowing. My son isn't up yet but I have to tell him today that his favorite chicken from his own little flock needs to find a new home.
Does anyone in the San Diego area want a Polish cockerel?

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