Is this POX Wet or DRY?


11 Years
Aug 22, 2012

Before Treatment

Betadine and Neosporin

Will that lesion on her nostril go down her throat ?
White Plymouth, She is eating, a bit slower, we have mosquitos, she is away from the others and in the house. Anything besides the neosporin and the betadine that I can do for her ? Thanks.
The lesions on the outside are dry fowl pox. Only if you see yellow spots inside the throat, would there be wet pox which is also called diphtheric pox.
The lesions on the outside are dry fowl pox. Only if you see yellow spots inside the throat, would there be wet pox which is also called diphtheric pox.

If it goes down her mouth and throat what will the vet supposed to give her for anitbiotic ?
Thank you.
If it goes down her mouth and throat what will the vet supposed to give her for anitbiotic ?
Thank you.
There is no treatment for wet pox. Antibiotics will only treat secondary infections, such as an infected scab that abscesses, or an eye infection. I wouldn't worry about wet pox unless you see it (yellow patches in the throat.) Then I would remove any that I saw. Here is some info about it:


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There is no treatment for wet pox. Antibiotics will only treat secondary infections, such as an infected scab that abscesses, or an eye infection. I wouldn't worry about wet pox unless you see it (yellow patches in the throat.) Then I would remove any that I saw. Here is some info about it:



I am dealing with pox right now. at least 3 of my chickens have dry pox (some probably have spots from pecking, as usual). I treated all of them with tylan for the secondary infections. after the treatment I noticed a few of them had some white spots in their mouth. I gave them a drop of iodine in the mouth (+ I put limestone and iodine in their drinking water). after that spots started to disappear. How can I know if those spots were wet pox or something else? they were smaller than in the pics and white the first day. 1 day after I put iodine they got smaller and were more yellow, like in the pics. the infected chickens are coughing/sneezing and have mucus. they all eat (like pigs!) and drink. I guess this has been going for a month - I thought they had stopped laying due to heat, but as 3 of them has black scabs I am sure they stopped laying when they got sick.
I'm not an expert on pox, but there is a thread with many graphic picture of wet and dry pox here:

White lesions in the mouth I think can also be a yeast infection such as candida albicans. Yeast infections are common after antibiotic use or with decreased immunity, but I'm not sure that it is common with pox. Canker is another disease that can cause yellow or grayish lesions in the mouth.
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I am dealing with pox right now. at least 3 of my chickens have dry pox (some probably have spots from pecking, as usual). I treated all of them with tylan for the secondary infections. after the treatment I noticed a few of them had some white spots in their mouth. I gave them a drop of iodine in the mouth (+ I put limestone and iodine in their drinking water). after that spots started to disappear. How can I know if those spots were wet pox or something else? they were smaller than in the pics and white the first day. 1 day after I put iodine they got smaller and were more yellow, like in the pics. the infected chickens are coughing/sneezing and have mucus. they all eat (like pigs!) and drink. I guess this has been going for a month - I thought they had stopped laying due to heat, but as 3 of them has black scabs I am sure they stopped laying when they got sick.

IMO they had the wet pox. Because after you put the iodine in their mouth the white spots started to disappear. I know there is no cure. But you might have put a dent in the infection in their mouth.
My girl had the pox, number one post on this thread. Her head got so burning up from the pox I gave her Baytril for two days twice a day. She got better and is out with the others. I did check her mouth everyday. I swabbed the lesions with betadine full strength and used Neosporin plus the baytril. I sure did not want to lose her.
IMO they had the wet pox. Because after you put the iodine in their mouth the white spots started to disappear. I know there is no cure. But you might have put a dent in the infection in their mouth.
My girl had the pox, number one post on this thread. Her head got so burning up from the pox I gave her Baytril for two days twice a day. She got better and is out with the others. I did check her mouth everyday. I swabbed the lesions with betadine full strength and used Neosporin plus the baytril. I sure did not want to lose her.

thank you.

the 3 girls with dry pox are getting better. they had just a few black scabs but they are getting smaller without any treatment. the white spots from the others almost dissapeared. I wonder if tylan helped them heal quicker. 2-3 of them are still sneezing but getting better.

I did not separate the sick birds as we have loads of mosquitoes so I cannot control them. but I don.t see the other chickens getting pox. the same thing happened with the IB this spring. I wonder if they will become immune even if they don't show any symptoms. I believe that limestone and iodine in their water helps a lot.

do you know if eggs are safe to eat? at the moment I boil them for the chickens.

BTW I am glad your chicken is better. she is beautiful.
If they were my eggs I would eat them. Iodine and limestone I think should not be dangerous.
Maybe the girls that didn't get bitten by the mosquitos were safe.
My girl is the only one with that fowl pox on her. None of the others looked like her. Actually, I was thinking I was really really lucky not
having any of my girls get the pox. AND WAMMO the pox but only on the big girl. And my thinking is that we had a very hot day and I dunked some of them in water, and the girl with the pox was very wet and maybe the mosquitos got to her skin easier.
Last year I some girls with small black spots on their combs but that was it. Nothing like this girl. So I think they had a lighter version of the pox.

How much Iodine do you put in the water ? and is it the betadine ? Do you use the iodine for anyother use with them?
Thank you.

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