Is this tape worm?


Sep 10, 2020
SW Utah
Found this in some poop today. Does it look like tape worms? None of those white specks were moving...I tried to collect some on a stick and the dang pullets grabbed the stick from me then kicked around and covered the rest šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
also idk if this info matters...but today one of my six 23 week old pullets laid a jumbo egg. Another one laid a soft shell egg. The one that laid a soft shell egg was very quiet and not moving around much for a couple hours after that. (Sheā€™s back to her wild screamy self btw)
Im assuming the soft shell egg was my fault. We had a cold snap recently with a 40 degree temp change. Because of that Iā€™ve been giving them scratch morning and evening to help warm them up. My soft egg layer is piggy and pretty aggressive to eat more than anyone else šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Anyway...back to original this tape worm or somehow caused from the excessive scratch?
If itā€™s tape worm, what can I give them that will be less stressful on their new layer/fighting the cold little bodies? Thanks!
looks more like a round worm to me or even a pin worm. tape worms are flat and are segmented. if you can get more pics and pull one out of the poop and get a close up picture it would help in identifying it.
Im assuming the soft shell egg was my fault. We had a cold snap recently with a 40 degree temp change. Because of that Iā€™ve been giving them scratch morning and evening to help warm them up.
is this tape worm or somehow caused from the excessive scratch?
If itā€™s tape worm, what can I give them that will be less stressful on their new layer/fighting the cold little bodies?
Hard to tell if those are tapeworm proglitids or not. They would be moving like in the video below.
It may be polished pieces of oyster shell if you are providing that.

IF you decide they are Tapeworms (re-check poop in the morning) then use Praziquantel to treat them. Products and dosing is in this link.

As for the soft shell, it's not uncommon in new layers, but I would only give scratch once a day as a treat. It's not as nutritionally dense as their poultry feed and can pack on the fat too. Fat in laying hens is not good - it can lead to Fatty Liver, too much fat in the abdomen makes it harder for them to lay eggs, etc.

Thanks everyone! The specks of white I saw definitely werenā€™t moving. I didnā€™t get to watch them long though since my girls thought the poop on a stick was delish šŸ¤¢ Iā€™ll check droppings again in the morning. Iā€™m pretty sure my soft shelled layer was the one with the funky poop. Hopefully sheā€™ll work out whatever is going on.
As for the scratch, Iā€™ll go back to using it as an occasional treat. I noticed they have grown some soft fluff under their feathers so hopefully theyā€™re ready for the next cold front next week
looks more like a round worm to me or even a pin worm. tape worms are flat and are segmented. if you can get more pics and pull one out of the poop and get a close up picture it would help in identifying it.
Iā€™ll look again in the morning. Hopefully I can get a picture before the girls come to investigate what Iā€™m doing šŸ™„ If there are still white specks maybe Iā€™ll take a sample to the vet
Thanks everyone! The specks of white I saw definitely werenā€™t moving. I didnā€™t get to watch them long though since my girls thought the poop on a stick was delish šŸ¤¢ Iā€™ll check droppings again in the morning. Iā€™m pretty sure my soft shelled layer was the one with the funky poop. Hopefully sheā€™ll work out whatever is going on.
As for the scratch, Iā€™ll go back to using it as an occasional treat. I noticed they have grown some soft fluff under their feathers so hopefully theyā€™re ready for the next cold front next week
I'd stop giving them scratch since they are new layers.
Thanks everyone! The specks of white I saw definitely werenā€™t moving. I didnā€™t get to watch them long though since my girls thought the poop on a stick was delish šŸ¤¢ Iā€™ll check droppings again in the morning. Iā€™m pretty sure my soft shelled layer was the one with the funky poop. Hopefully sheā€™ll work out whatever is going on.
As for the scratch, Iā€™ll go back to using it as an occasional treat. I noticed they have grown some soft fluff under their feathers so hopefully theyā€™re ready for the next cold front next week
LOL Chickens are funny.
Let us know what you find out.
I checked the poop under the roosting bars and didnā€™t see anymore white specks. I canā€™t check their poop during the day cause they are digging holes and everything is getting buried faster than I can check. Funny...I always see their poop until Iā€™m looking for it.
I did find a pile of stuff that looked like a cross between poop and vomit...tinged with yellowish liquid. (Youā€™re welcome for that visual btw). Iā€™m thinking it was another soft shelled egg...mixed with poop? Idk
This morning another soft shelled egg. The one who laid that also had a big hard crop within 2 hours after waking up šŸ¤”. I went ahead and gave her some coconut oil and massaged her crop. It went down immediately šŸ˜¬ hopefully thats ok. Obviously something is up with her system. She is acting fine so Iā€™ll just keep watching.
I checked the poop under the roosting bars and didnā€™t see anymore white specks. I canā€™t check their poop during the day cause they are digging holes and everything is getting buried faster than I can check. Funny...I always see their poop until Iā€™m looking for it.
I did find a pile of stuff that looked like a cross between poop and vomit...tinged with yellowish liquid. (Youā€™re welcome for that visual btw). Iā€™m thinking it was another soft shelled egg...mixed with poop? Idk
This morning another soft shelled egg. The one who laid that also had a big hard crop within 2 hours after waking up šŸ¤”. I went ahead and gave her some coconut oil and massaged her crop. It went down immediately šŸ˜¬ hopefully thats ok. Obviously something is up with her system. She is acting fine so Iā€™ll just keep watching.
Good idea to monitor her crop for a few days.
Check it in the morning before she eats/drinks - it should be flat/empty.

If you see any more of that odd poop try to get a photo - you may be right about her laying another soft shelled egg,

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