Is this what I think it is?


15 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
This girl(?) Is about 2 1/2 months old.. I noticed this morning that she had pooped what seemed to be pure water, but I never saw her poop again, so I didn't think anything of it.. She was acting normal otherwise, from what I could tell..

I checked on everyone tonight, and she was off by herself, couldn't keep her head up and would stumble if she tried to walk.. I picked her up, and I could tell she is underweight.. Given the symptoms she has, my first instinct said wry neck/vitamin deficiency..

I gave her water packed with ACV, honey and rooster booster, and I used that water to make her a mash.. She is eating and drinking.. Under one wing is dirty and her feathers are matted, but there are no lice/mites at all.. It looks like another pooped on her and it ran down under her wing, because it starts on a spot on her back.. No injuries that I can see... No bleeding... I have 38 chickens, ages 10 weeks down to 2 weeks and everyone else is fine.. I have separated her..

Unfortunately, I can't attach videos, so here are the links..



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Update.. She made it through the night.. She's refusing to give up, so I'm still working to help her.. I syringe fed her some watery mash, made with the water I gave her last night (rooster booster, honey and ACV).. I got her to lay down, but that lasted about 10 min.. She's trying her best to pick her head up and walk, but still off balance and head hanging.. This is a video today..

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Yes, she did finally poop (it was in her food, so no doubt it was her lol) and it was completely normal.. She seems to be getting a bit better, but slowly.. I put her on my lap and give her a starter/vitamin/meal worms (for extra protein) slurry, and hold her head up, so she's definitely getting at least that.. Not forcing her, just putting the top of her beak to the syringe and letting her take what she wants.. She does pull away when she's done..
Yes, she did finally poop (it was in her food, so no doubt it was her lol) and it was completely normal.. She seems to be getting a bit better, but slowly.. I put her on my lap and give her a starter/vitamin/meal worms (for extra protein) slurry, and hold her head up, so she's definitely getting at least that.. Not forcing her, just putting the top of her beak to the syringe and letting her take what she wants.. She does pull away when she's done..
Great to hear! Sounds like you are doing well:)
Great to hear! Sounds like you are doing well:)

I hope so... I've dealt with chicks with similar issues in the past, but never at this age.. Something else I noticed, last night she would ball one of her feet up when I was holding her, whereas today, she's kicking and trying to get down...
I gave her some egg yolk with some rooster booster water in it last night, and I am so happy to say that she was holding her head up when I checked on her this morning!!! We still have a way to go because she is still weak, and tires easily, but she can eat/drink on her own and she's preening again!!! I will give her some more egg yolk/rooster booster today and keep her separated until she gains her strength to be around the others without supervision!!

Sooooo... I went to give her some more egg yolk/crumble/vitamin mixture last night.. I had her in an igloo dog house with some fencing in front of it.. There was about an 8"-10" gap at the top of the fencing.. I looked inside, and she was gone!! She apparently was done being in there, jumped out and went back in the coop with the others!! 🤣🤣🤣 this is where I found her, and where she went right back to after she got her goodies..


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