ISO Bantams ASAP in Northern CA


10 Years
Mar 18, 2012
long story short I have a singleton hatchling. Silkie/D'Uccle I am going to try to graft it to a broody but if that doesn't work I will have a lonely only. Looking to line up prospects for playmates for it. Willing to take anything 1-2 weeks old and if you require I will buy two. I am in Lake County and am willing to drive to Mendocino Sonoma Marin Yolo or Napa Counties.
I'm over in Sonoma county, have 25 bantams shipping on Monday. Depending on how how many arrive safely and survive, I could probably part with a few. They're RIR, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Dominique, and Easter Eggers.
Fantastic! I will know by then if this little one has been taken in by the broody. I may have to wait until next weekend to pick up since I work and live in Lake County but Thank You Thank You Thank You! I am game for any of the breeds. I will PM you early next week!
just wanted to let you know that I lost my little chick so I won't be needing any Bantams. Thank you for your willingness to share.

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