
7 Years
Mar 19, 2013
Upstate NY
Will also consider eggs or grown birds. I am not particular on color right now because I am having a very difficult time finding any large fowl Modern Game fowl. I absolutely love our bantam pair, but I prefer large fowl, and would very much like to help the breed make a come-back.

Does anyone breed these?
What about....... my 3 foot tall giant Shamo?! Big enough for ya?! Huh HUH?!! Hehe. :p

Anyway, when you say 'large fowl', what types of breeds are you referring to?
I do actually plan to get Malays and O Shamo someday, but not until I have the room to build more pens to separate the cocks.
Large fowl Modern Game are what I'm on the hunt for.
I have a friend in Florida that has bbr lf moderns. I can see if she has anything. There's someone else in Kansas (?)I think that has some if I can find their name.

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