ISO Run input


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2021
Our 1st flock (9 Crevcoeurs) is in the brooder, the coop is almost done. We need your input on the run. The coop is attached to a workshop/barn which is raised off the ground. Going to build the run soon. Should we allow the chicken under the shop or wire them out? I don't know what there pic of underneath posted sideways and I couldn't figure out how to fix.

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Really will be your decision...both choices would be fine.

Some considerations:

If you allow them under the shop, I imagine you will need to run wire around the outside perimeter of the shop, to keep them "in", except for a section that allows the chickens access to the run.

Are there other things stored under the shop, where access would be needed, besides the ladder? If you fence the underside into the run, how will you get access...would access be 'easy' or maneuvering thru the run with a long ladder?

Anything under the shop (ie. insulation, Styrofoam, etc) that they can peck at and tear up?
The chickens would love to have access under the building. The two things to consider are:

1. Is there anything under there that could harm them/that they could harm?

2. Can you access the chickens under there if you need to? There will be an occasional need to retrieve an egg (or a broody and her nest), or an injured or even dead bird.

If it's safe under there and you can get into it when you need to then it's a great addition to the run. If not, best to block it off.
Really will be your decision...both choices would be fine.

Some considerations:

If you allow them under the shop, I imagine you will need to run wire around the outside perimeter of the shop, to keep them "in", except for a section that allows the chickens access to the run.

Are there other things stored under the shop, where access would be needed, besides the ladder? If you fence the underside into the run, how will you get access...would access be 'easy' or maneuvering thru the run with a long ladder?

Anything under the shop (ie. insulation, Styrofoam, etc) that they can peck at and tear up?
Thank you so much. The ladder can be relocated. I believe there is closed cell foam insulation. Will have to check with hubby/constructor. He’ll have to decide if he wants to plywood or other cover the insulation to protect that to be part of the run. I’m assuming it’s just gonna be easier to wire them out.
Oh!!! I am somewhat of an expert of crawling through Pooh. Horses and goats seem to get into situations over the years. But at this age not feeling it.
But chickens I wouldnt keep it open. As much as they would love it they will hide there when they're hurt or sick. I have my coop raised and man was that a pain trying to catch them all when they were sick recently. I ended up blocking it off until we were done giving antibiotics.

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